This package provides thread-safe implementations of hash-based data structures in Go, including hash tables with different collision resolution strategies and Bloom filters.
- Generic key-value storage with interface{} type
- Multiple collision resolution strategies:
- Linear probing
- Chaining with linked lists
- Thread-safe operations with RWMutex
- Core operations:
- Put: Insert or update key-value pairs
- Get: Retrieve values by key
- Remove: Delete key-value pairs
- Dynamic sizing and load factor management
- Support for different key types (string, int)
- Space-efficient probabilistic data structure
- Configurable parameters:
- Expected number of elements
- Desired false positive rate
- Multiple hash functions using FNV-1a
- Operations:
- Add: Insert elements
- Contains: Test membership
- Clear: Reset filter
- EstimateFalsePositiveRate: Calculate current FPR
- Automatic optimization:
- Optimal bit array size calculation
- Optimal hash function count calculation
// Create a new hash table with linear probing
ht := NewHashTable(100, "linear")
// Insert key-value pairs
ht.Put("key1", "value1")
ht.Put("key2", "value2")
ht.Put(42, "numeric key")
// Retrieve values
value, exists := ht.Get("key1")
if exists {
fmt.Println(value) // Outputs: value1
// Remove entries
removed := ht.Remove("key2")
// Create a hash table with chaining
htChain := NewHashTable(100, "chain")
htChain.Put("key1", "value1")
// Create a new Bloom filter
// Expected elements: 1000, False positive rate: 0.01
bf := NewBloomFilter(1000, 0.01)
// Add elements
// Check membership
exists := bf.Contains([]byte("element1")) // true
exists = bf.Contains([]byte("element3")) // false (probably)
// Get current false positive rate
fpr := bf.EstimateFalsePositiveRate(500) // for 500 inserted elements
// Reset the filter
Linear Probing:
- Open addressing with linear search
- Good cache performance
- Susceptible to clustering
- Separate chaining with linked lists
- Better for high load factors
- More memory overhead
- Average Case:
- Insert: O(1)
- Lookup: O(1)
- Delete: O(1)
- Worst Case (with collisions):
- Linear Probing: O(n)
- Chaining: O(n)
- Bit array size optimization
- Number of hash functions optimization
- Thread-safe operations
- FNV-1a hash function implementation
- Space: O(m) where m is the bit array size
- Time:
- Add: O(k) where k is the number of hash functions
- Contains: O(k)
- Clear: O(m)
The false positive rate (p) is approximately:
p = (1 - e^(-kn/m))^k
- k is the number of hash functions
- n is the number of inserted elements
- m is the size of the bit array
- All operations are protected with RWMutex
- Read operations use RLock
- Write operations use Lock
- Proper lock/unlock handling with defer
Each data structure comes with comprehensive test coverage. Run tests using:
go test ./...
Contributions are welcome! Please ensure that any new features or modifications come with:
- Proper documentation
- Thread safety considerations
- Comprehensive test cases
- Example usage
- Performance analysis
This package is distributed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more details.