This project contains specific e-commerce applications for purchasing shoes by implementing the chat apps feature. This project is also part of the BuildWithAngga online course
- Live chat feature
- Adding products to the shopping cart
- Adding products to the wishlist
Flutter ecommerce apps use several open source packages found in, including :
- firebase_core - A Flutter plugin to use the Firebase Core API, which enables connecting to multiple Firebase apps.
- cloud_firestore - A Flutter plugin to use the Cloud Firestore API.
- flutter_bloc - To implement the state management Bloc
- http - This package contains a set of high-level functions and classes that make it easy to consume HTTP resources.
- equatable - Being able to compare objects in Dart often involves having to override the == operator as well as hashCode.
to run this project first of all setup firebase for integration with the project, You can access the following guide Flutter Doc Firebase. Then add the google-services.json file to the android>app
and you can immediately run the flutter application with the following command
flutter pub get
flutter run lib/main.dart