Creating a secure authentication app for a school. The app should allow users to reset there passwords and try to be as secure as possible.
To get app running:
- Make sure Python is installed on PC
- Install package manager "pip" by running the following command "python" (On windows may be different)
- Install a virtual environment in the same folder as where you have the app. Run the command "pip install virtualenv"
- Create virtual environment folder run the command “virtualenv venv”
- After installing and creating the folder the virtual environment (place where we will download all are packages and run the server) run this command ". venv/bin/activate" this command will activate the virtual environment.
- Once the virtual environment has been activated navigate to the the requirements.txt and run the command "pip install -r requirements.txt". This will allow us to install all dependencies and packages within the app.
- Once that is done run these commands in the virtual command prompt you have open:
1.-> export APP_SETTINGS="lab01.config.DevConfig"
2.-> export APP_MAIL_USERNAME="Your email" (enter your email)
3.-> export APP_MAIL_PASSWORD="pwd" (enter email your password)
4.-> python create_db
5.-> python db init
6.-> python db migrate
7.-> python runserver
6. Enjoy!
I added an upload page, make sure the upload path is relative to your workstation.