Building your own automation workflow with open source tools doesn't have to be overly complicated. Start by familiarizing yourself with these foundational elements:
- Linux
- Python
- Git
Next... setup your machine with the suggested tools below.
Once these tools are installed, take a look at the examples below and try them out!
First let's clone the repository from GitHub
git clone
Quick example of using the Arista eAPI to gather information (hostname, uptime, mac-address, lldp neighbors, etc...) from a network of switches.
Requirements: Git, Python2 or Python3 (preferred) installed and Arista switches that are reachable from your workstation. You will need to modify the IP address list of switches in the script to match your environment.
Install the JSONRPCLIB module to allow eAPI connection to be built to the switch.
If you are running python2, install jsonrpclib module
pip install jsonrpclib
If you are running python3, install jsonrpclib-pelix module
pip3 install jsonrpclib-pelix
In this example, we have a running lab of 5 Arista switches available to query.
cd python-example
Output should look similar to the following:
The following playbook creates a unique base device configuration for each row in the CSV file.
File/Directory | Description |
./playbooks/create_base_configs.yml | Playbook |
./templates/base-cfg.j2 | Jinja Template |
./datafiles/devices.csv | CSV File of Device with header row (used for variable names in Jinja) |
./base-configs/ | Directory for rendered configuration files |
Test it out: (requires ansible to be installed)
cd csv-playbook-example
ansible-playbook create_base_configs.yml
Output should look similar to the following:
Look for config files inside the ./base-configs/ directory.
- Docker installed on local machine
cd docker
docker build -f Dockerfile --tag mydevbox/base .
Launches Docker container mydevbox/base and attaches to your local current directory
docker run -it --rm -v $(PWD):/workspace mydevbox/base
docker run -it --rm -v %cd%:/workspace mydevbox/base
While in the container, change to directory 'workspace'. The contents will be a pointer to your local directory the container was launched from.
cd workspace
ls -l
You know are running a full Ubuntu container with:
- Ubuntu 20.04.1
- Python 3.8.5
- Ansible 2.10.5
- Modules for Netbox & YAML with dependencies pre-installed
pip list
Package Version
------------ ---------
ansible 2.10.4
ansible-base 2.10.5
certifi 2020.12.5
cffi 1.14.4
chardet 4.0.0
cryptography 3.4.3
dbus-python 1.2.16
idna 2.10
Jinja2 2.11.3
MarkupSafe 1.1.1
netaddr 0.8.0
packaging 20.9
pip 20.0.2
pycparser 2.20
PyGObject 3.36.0
pynetbox 5.3.1
pyparsing 2.4.7
PyYAML 5.4.1
requests 2.25.1
setuptools 45.2.0
six 1.15.0
urllib3 1.26.3
wheel 0.34.2
For integrating your container with VSCode check out: