Research project 2019-2021.
Accompanying code for the paper "Modelling surrender risk in life insurance: theoretical and experimental insight" by M. Kiermayer.
Paper available on (publication) or (preprint).
- Perform extensive experiments to analyze the capabilities of several models (including logistic regression, random forest, XGBoost, neural networks bagged or boosted) to estimate surrender probabilities.
- Check the effect of resampling on model performance and predicted surrender probabilities
- Investigate a time-dependent evaluation of surrender rates, including confidence bands
The simulated data can be found in the directory "./Data", including the portfolio "Portfolio.csv" at time t=0.
* Sub-directories "./Data/profile_{i}" include time-series data for years t>=0 wich is unique to surrender assumptions in the ith-profile, i = 0,1,2,3.
* All data in these (sub-)directories is generated (and analyzed) by the scripts "_data{i}_{..}.py" -
The files "HPSearch_{..}.py" implement an automated hyperparameter-tuning (based on the python package 'hyperopt')
The directories "./profile_{i}" contain the results for trials of HPTuning for all models and the resulting best model-parametrizations
The main files analyzes all models (given the parametrization after HPTuning)
Visual and statistical analyses of our experiments are saved in either "./Plots" or "./Tables"
All helper-functions can be found in "./functions"