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How To Install

DISCLAIMER: This guide assumes basic knowledge of git and Apache configuration


  • You will need virtual private server or dedicated PC running Ubuntu 16.04 with minimum of 2 GB physical memory and 2 GB swap, or 4 GB physical memory
  • You will need the following packages: boost (1.55 or higher), cmake, git, gcc (4.9 or higher), g++ (4.9 or higher), make, python, nano, apache2, curl, php, php-curl, libapache2-mod-php and python-certbot-apache.
apt-get -y install build-essential python-dev gcc g++ git cmake libboost-all-dev libgflags-dev libsnappy-dev zlib1g-dev libbz2-dev liblz4-dev libzstd-dev nano apache2 curl php php-curl libapache2-mod-php
  • To get python-certbot-apache, you need to run as root user:
add-apt-repository ppa:certbot/certbot
apt-get update
apt-get install python-certbot-apache

Directory structure

  • Run again as root user:
cd /
mkdir masternode
mkdir masternode/data
mkdir masternode/daemon
mkdir masternode/website

Compiling daemon

  • Run following commands
cd /masternode
git clone daemon
cd daemon
git checkout masternode
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DDO_TESTS=OFF ..
cmake --build .

Configuring daemon

  • Change to directory containing daemon binaries:
cd /masternode/daemon/build/src
screen ./Bittoriumd --p2p-bind-port 34903 --rpc-bind-port 34917 --data-dir /masternode/data
  • Wait until daemon has synced the blockchain, then press CTRL-A, then press CTRL-D to detach the screen session
  • Type ./simplewallet --remote-daemon
  • When simplewallet starts, it asks what you want to do, you will have to select "G" to generate a new wallet
  • When it asks for wallet name, answer masternode
  • Write down the wallet password it asks and wallet address it prints after generating is finished
  • Type export_keys and write down both private view and spend keys, you will need the view key later in this guide
  • Type exit to close simplewallet
  • Move the wallet file to /masternode/data
mv masternode.wallet /masternode/data
  • Type screen -r to return to daemon, type exit to shutdown the daemon
  • Type nano to create file containing following text:
screen -S masternode-daemon -d -m /masternode/daemon/build/src/Bittoriumd --p2p-bind-ip --p2p-bind-port 34903 --rpc-bind-ip --rpc-bind-port 34917 --enable-cors "*" --data-dir /masternode/data --fee-address wallet-address --view-key private-view-key
screen -S masternode-walletd -d -m /masternode/daemon/build/src/walletd --container-file /masternode/data/masternode.wallet --container-password wallet-password --daemon-port 34917 --bind-port 8071 --rpc-password your-rpc-password
  • Replace wallet-address with the address you wrote down earlier
  • Replace private-view-key with the private view key of the wallet you created
  • Replace wallet-password with the password you wrote down earlier
  • Replace your-rpc-password with any password, but write it down again
  • Press CTRL-O to save the file and CTRL-X to close nano
  • Give the script execution permission:
chmod +x

Starting the daemons

  • To start both daemons, run:

Configuring frontend

  • Change to /masternode again
cd /masternode
git clone website
cd website
nano config.php
  • Change the contents of $daemonHost variable in the file to your external IPv4 address
  • Change the contents of $walletPassword variable in the file to what you used as your-rpc-password above
  • Press CTRL-O and CTRL-X to exit nano
  • Change to Apache configuration directory and edit apache2.conf:
cd /etc/apache2
nano apache2.conf
  • Find text block containing
<Directory /var/www/>
        Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
        AllowOverride None
        Require all granted
  • After that add the following text:

<Directory /masternode/website/>
        Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
        AllowOverride None
        Require all granted
  • Save the file and exit nano
  • Change to Apache site configurations directory
cd /etc/apache2/sites-available
  • Make note of the largest number used in the filenames...
  • Create file NNN-masternode.conf, where NNN is one more than the highest existing number, for example
nano 001-masternode.conf
  • Add following lines to the file:
	DocumentRoot /masternode/website

	ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log
	CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined
  • Save the file and exit nano
  • Enable the configuration:
cd ../sites-enabled
ln -s ../sites-available/001-masternode.conf 001-masternode.conf
  • Install SSL certificate for the masternode
certbot --apache -d
  • Edit the generated configuration file, for example:
nano 001-masternode-le-ssl.conf
  • After line containing CustomLog, add the following lines:

        RewriteEngine on
        LogLevel alert rewrite:trace3

        <Directory /masternode/website/>
          Options +FollowSymLinks
          RewriteRule ^config.php /index.php [R]

        <Directory /masternode/website/api/>
          Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"
          Options +FollowSymLinks
          RewriteCond %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/$1 !-f
          RewriteRule ^([a-z]+)$ $1.php
  • Save the file and exit nano
  • Enable headers and rewrite modules on Apache:
a2enmod headers rewrite
apachectl -t
  • If apachectl gives only warnings and no errors, restart Apache:
service apache2 restart
  • Try to open your frontend using browser by visiting
  • When you are all done, it should print:
Daemon address: 111.222.333.444:34917
Status: OK
Collected fees: 0.00 BTOR
  • 111.222.333.444 should be your external IPv4 address as you entered for $daemonHost in config.php
  • Try visiting
  • It should print formatted as JSON, variable "status" with value "OK", it won't print collected fees until there is at least one relayed transaction
"status" : "OK"


Collateral for Bittorium masternodes is stored on special wallet accessable by the verification server. Once your masternode has been verified by a Bittorium team member, send 75000 BTOR to wallet address bTXQBcHwS83gk5Ucb7gS9h58yMR7yw5rDjCNP22BT9DYjRdY6yxa9SHA1UALacBPpBTvirC4VY6n1JEJAGewV3g82SctDmvTw and open an issue on this GitHub repository with hostname of your masternode and the transaction hash of the collateral payment. The official list of masternodes will be updated and the collateral amount should be visible on the masternode list within few hours.

Add --collateral-hash transaction-hash to line 2 and replace transaction-hash with transaction hash of the collateral payment. You need to restart Bittoriumd for the change to take effect. Make sure you have latest version of the masternode daemon, or starting the daemon might fail after adding the parameter.

All masternodes whose owner have paid the full collateral amount will be eligible for inclusion on any future official wallet software, including mobile and web wallets, and for any exclusive rewards offered by official Bittorium team. All rewards will be paid only to the fee wallet address reported by RPC API of the masternode daemon.

Collateral amount is non-refundable in all cases, but owner of the masternode can request removal of the masternode address from all lists at any moment. In case when owner requests transfer of the collateral from one hostname to another, the previous hostname will be replaced in all associated lists as soon as the new hostname is verified to work.


Bittorium team reserves right to unlist any masternode if the owner fails within reasonable time to follow and comply with any written or implied rules, guidelines and regulations imposed by Bittorium team in response to any complaint from a masternode user, or complaint or requirement of legal authority in the European Union or its member states.

Any masternode that is unreachable or slow to respond, or responds with invalid or malformed data, might be temporarily removed from lists on websites that require access to the RPC API of the masternode.

Any software that requires specific version of masternode API is free to exclude any masternode that uses older or otherwise incompatible API. It is responsibility of the masternode owner to make sure the masternode runs the latest stable version of the masternode software and frontend.