Training project for GraphQL.
You need Docker for running this project.
Add this in you hosts file: statooine.localhost
Run the project: docker-compose up
Go to http://statooine.localhost:88/graphiql
- Build a simple graphql schema regarding the following domain rules:
Project used to manipulate Euromillion draws.
- A draw has a date at least.
- A Draw is compose by a collection of numbers.
- A number has a value and a position.
- A number may be a star one or not.
- Star numbers values from 1 to 10.
- Non star numbers values from 1 to 50.
- A draw is composed by a set of 5 common numbers and 2 star numbers.
1.1 create the Draw type 1.2 create the Number type
Type files are supposed to be in the ``````````config/graphql/types`` repository Following the overblog/graphql configuration: dir: "%kernel.project_dir%/config/graphql/types"
Define a graphql query in order to get a draw by its date. 2.1 Create a Query type and add the query there Once your graphql schema is up with your query. Don't forget to compile it.
Create a resolver for your query. Adding the Query type file is not OK. We should create a Resolver for our query if we want to get our draw.
Add a ResolverMap
make dev-start
Build the project then run it (with docker-compose)
make dev-stop
Stop the project
make db-setup
Set up the db (with fixtures \o/)
make shell
A shell to statooine container
make graphql-compile
Compile graphql files