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New Way of Getting Simplices From Filtrations (#60)
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* new way of getting simplices from filtrations

* sparse filtration performance improvement
  • Loading branch information
mtsch authored Jun 26, 2020
1 parent c6e4eeb commit d2961fa
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Showing 20 changed files with 663 additions and 551 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .travis.yml
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- 1.0
- 1.4
- 1
- nightly

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Project.toml
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
name = "Ripserer"
uuid = "aa79e827-bd0b-42a8-9f10-2b302677a641"
authors = ["mtsch <>"]
version = "0.11.0"
version = "0.12.0"

Compat = "34da2185-b29b-5c13-b0c7-acf172513d20"
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14 changes: 9 additions & 5 deletions docs/src/api/
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Expand Up @@ -13,23 +13,27 @@ Ripserer.edges(::Ripserer.AbstractFiltration)

Ripserer.diam(::Ripserer.AbstractFiltration, ::Any)
Ripserer.birth(::Ripserer.AbstractFiltration, ::Any)

Ripserer.diam(::Ripserer.AbstractFiltration, ::Ripserer.AbstractSimplex, ::Any, ::Any)

Ripserer.birth(::Ripserer.AbstractFiltration, ::Any)




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8 changes: 0 additions & 8 deletions docs/src/api/
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Expand Up @@ -20,14 +20,6 @@ Base.sign(::Ripserer.AbstractSimplex)



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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Ripserer.jl
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Expand Up @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ using StaticArrays
using TupleTools

# reexporting basics these makes Ripserer usable without having to import another package.
import PersistenceDiagrams: birth, threshold
import PersistenceDiagrams: birth, threshold, dim
birth, death, persistence, representative, birth_simplex, death_simplex, barcode

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70 changes: 50 additions & 20 deletions src/abstractfiltration.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,14 +8,13 @@ simplices.
* [`n_vertices(::AbstractFiltration)`](@ref)
* [`edges(::AbstractFiltration)`](@ref)
* [`diam(::AbstractFiltration, vertices)`](@ref)
* [`diam(::AbstractFiltration, ::AbstractSimplex, ::Any, ::Any)`](@ref) - only used when
[`simplex_type`](@ref) is an [`IndexedSimplex`](@ref).
* [`simplex_type(::AbstractFiltration, dim)`](@ref)
* [`birth(::AbstractFiltration, v)`](@ref) - optional, defaults to returning `zero(T)`.
* [`threshold(::AbstractFiltration)`](@ref) - optional, defaults to returning `Inf`.
* [`postprocess_interval(::AbstractFiltration, ::Any)`](@ref) - optional
postprocessing function that is applied to each interval in resulting persistence diagram.
* [`simplex(::AbstractFiltration, ::Val{dim}, vertices, sign)`](@ref)
* [`unsafe_simplex(::AbstractFiltration, ::Val{dim}, vertices, sign)`](@ref)
* [`unsafe_cofacet`](@ref)`(::AbstractFiltration, simplex, vertices, vertex[, edges, sign])`
* [`birth(::AbstractFiltration, v)`](@ref)
* [`threshold(::AbstractFiltration)`](@ref)
* [`postprocess_interval(::AbstractFiltration, ::Any)`](@ref)
abstract type AbstractFiltration end

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -43,28 +42,59 @@ n_vertices(::AbstractFiltration)
Get edges in distance matrix in `filtration`, sorted by decresing length and increasing
combinatorial index. Edges should be of type [`simplex_type`](@ref)(filtration, 1)`.
Get edges (1-simplices) in `filtration`. Edges should be of type
[`simplex_type`](@ref)`(filtration, 1)`.

diam(::AbstractFiltration, vertices)
simplex(::AbstractFiltration, ::Val{D}, vertices, sign=1)
Get the diameter of a simplex with the vertex set `vertices`. Should return `missing` if
`vertices` do not form a valid simplex.
Return `D`-simplex constructed from `vertices` with sign equal to `sign`. Return `nothing`
if simplex is not in filtration. This function is safe to call with vertices that are out of
order. Default implementation sorts `vertices` and calls [`unsafe_simplex`](@ref).
diam(::AbstractFiltration, ::Any)
function simplex(flt::AbstractFiltration, ::Val{D}, vertices, sign=1) where D
vxs = TupleTools.sort(Tuple(vertices), rev=true)
if allunique(vxs) && all(x -> x > 0, vxs)
return unsafe_simplex(flt, Val(D), vxs, sign)
throw(ArgumentError("invalid vertices $(vertices)"))

unsafe_simplex(::AbstractFiltration, ::Val{D}, vertices, sign=1)
Return `D`-simplex constructed from `vertices` with sign equal to `sign`. Return `nothing`
if simplex is not in filtration. The unsafe in the name implies that it's up to the caller
to ensure vertices are sorted and unique.
unsafe_simplex(::AbstractFiltration, ::Val, vertices, sign)

diam(::AbstractFiltration, simplex, vertices, new_vertex)
unsafe_cofacet(filtration, simplex, cofacet_vertices, new_vertex[, edges, sign=1])
Return cofacet of `simplex` with vertices equal to `cofacet_vertices`. `new_vertex` is the
vertex that was added to construct the cofacet. In the case of sparse rips filtrations, an
additional argument `edges` is used. `edges` is a vector that contains the weights on edges
connecting the new vertex to old vertices.
Get the diameter of coface of a `Simplex` that is formed by adding `new_vertex` to
`vertices`. Should return `missing` if new simplex is not valid.
The unsafe in the name implies that it's up to the caller to ensure vertices are sorted and
This functions is used with the [`coboundary`](@ref) function for [`IndexedSimplex`](@ref)
Default implementation uses [`unsafe_simplex`](@ref).
diam(::AbstractFiltration, ::AbstractSimplex, ::Any, ::Any)
function unsafe_cofacet(
flt::AbstractFiltration, ::AbstractSimplex{D}, vertices, v, sign=1
) where D
return unsafe_simplex(flt, Val(D + 1), vertices, sign)
function unsafe_cofacet(
flt::AbstractFiltration, ::AbstractSimplex{D}, vertices, v, edges::SVector, sign=1
) where D
return unsafe_simplex(flt, Val(D + 1), vertices, sign)

birth(::AbstractFiltration, v)
Expand All @@ -77,12 +107,12 @@ birth(::AbstractFiltration, _) = false # false is a strong zero.
Get the threshold of filtration. This is the maximum diameter a simplex in the filtration
can have. Used only for placing the infinity line in plotting. Defaults to `missing`.
can have. Defaults to `Inf`.
threshold(::AbstractFiltration) = Inf

postprocess_diagram(::AbstractFiltration, interval)
postprocess_interval(::AbstractFiltration, interval)
This function is called on each resulting persistence interval. The default implementation
does nothing.
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157 changes: 101 additions & 56 deletions src/abstractsimplex.jl
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Expand Up @@ -16,13 +16,35 @@ actually needed for the main algorithm.
* [`Base.:-(::AbstractSimplex)`](@ref)
* `Base.isless(::AbstractSimplex, ::AbstractSimplex)`
* [`vertices(::AbstractSimplex)`](@ref)
* [`coface_type(::AbstractSimplex)`](@ref)
* [`coboundary(::Any, ::AbstractSimplex)`](@ref)
* [`face_type(::AbstractSimplex)`](@ref) - only required for homology.
* [`boundary(::Any, ::AbstractSimplex)`](@ref) - only required for homology.
* [`boundary(::Any, ::AbstractSimplex)`](@ref)
* `length(::Type{AbstractSimplex})` - only if `D`-simplexs does not have `D + 1` vertices.
abstract type AbstractSimplex{D, T, I} <: AbstractVector{I} end

Base.:(==)(::AbstractSimplex, ::AbstractSimplex) = false
function Base.:(==)(sx1::A, sx2::A) where A<:AbstractSimplex
return diam(sx1) == diam(sx2) && vertices(sx1) == vertices(sx2)
function Base.isequal(sx1::A, sx2::A) where A<:AbstractSimplex
return diam(sx1) == diam(sx2) && vertices(sx1) == vertices(sx2)
Base.hash(sx::AbstractSimplex, h::UInt64) = hash(vertices(sx), hash(diam(sx), h))

Base.iterate(sx::AbstractSimplex) = iterate(vertices(sx))
Base.getindex(sx::AbstractSimplex, i) = vertices(sx)[i]
Base.firstindex(::AbstractSimplex) = 1
Base.lastindex(sx::AbstractSimplex) = length(sx)
Base.size(sx::AbstractSimplex) = (length(sx),)

Base.length(sx::AbstractSimplex) = length(typeof(sx))
Base.length(::Type{<:AbstractSimplex{D}}) where D = D + 1

function, sx::AbstractSimplex{D}) where D
print(io, nameof(typeof(sx)), "{", D, "}(",
sign(sx) == 1 ? :+ : :-, vertices(sx), ", ", diam(sx), ")")

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -70,49 +92,6 @@ Reverse the simplex orientation.
Base.:+(sx::AbstractSimplex) = sx

Base.:(==)(::AbstractSimplex, ::AbstractSimplex) = false
function Base.:(==)(sx1::A, sx2::A) where A<:AbstractSimplex
return diam(sx1) == diam(sx2) && vertices(sx1) == vertices(sx2)
function Base.isequal(sx1::A, sx2::A) where A<:AbstractSimplex
return diam(sx1) == diam(sx2) && vertices(sx1) == vertices(sx2)
Base.hash(sx::AbstractSimplex, h::UInt64) = hash(vertices(sx), hash(diam(sx), h))

Get the type of simplex's coface. For a `D`-dimensional simplex, this is usually its
`D+1`-dimensional counterpart. Only the method for the type needs to be implemented.
coface_type(Simplex{2}((3, 2, 1), 3.2))
# output
Simplex{3, Float64, Int}
coface_type(sx::AbstractSimplex) = coface_type(typeof(sx))

Get the type of a simplex's face. For a `D`-dimensional simplex, this is usually its
`D-1`-dimensional counterpart. Only the method for the type needs to be implemented.
face_type(Simplex{2}((3, 2, 1), 3.2))
# output
Simplex{1, Float64, Int}
face_type(sx::AbstractSimplex) = face_type(typeof(sx))

Expand All @@ -135,8 +114,7 @@ Base.abs(sx::AbstractSimplex) = sign(sx) == 1 ? sx : -sx
Get the vertices of `simplex`. Returns `NTuple{dim+1, Int}`. In the algorithm, only the
method for 2-simplices is actually used.
Get the vertices of `simplex`. Returns `SVector{length(simplex), Int}`.
vertices(Simplex{2}((3, 2, 1), 3.2))
Expand All @@ -153,12 +131,13 @@ vertices(Simplex{2}((3, 2, 1), 3.2))

coboundary(filtration, simplex[, Val{all_cofaces}])
coboundary(filtration, simplex[, Val{all_cofacets}])
Iterate over the coboundary of `simplex`. Use the `filtration` to determine the diameters
and validity of cofaces. Iterates values of the type [`coface_type`](@ref)`(simplex)`. If
`all_cofaces` is `false`, only return cofaces with vertices added to the beginning of vertex
and validity of cofacets. If `all_cofacets` is `false`, only return cofaces with vertices
added to the beginning of vertex list.
Comes with a default implementation.
```jldoctest coboundary
filtration = Rips([0 1 1 1; 1 0 1 1; 1 1 0 1; 1 1 1 0])
Expand All @@ -184,13 +163,17 @@ end
+[4, 3, 1]
coboundary(::Any, ::AbstractSimplex)
function coboundary(filtration, simplex::AbstractSimplex, ::Val{A}=Val(true)) where A
return Coboundary{A}(filtration, simplex)

boundary(filtration, simplex[, Val{all_cofaces}])
boundary(filtration, simplex[, Val{all_cofacets}])
Iterate over the boundary of `simplex`. Use the `filtration` to determine the diameters
and validity of cofaces. Iterates values of the type [`face_type`](@ref)`(simplex)`.
and validity of cofacets.
Comes with a default implementation.
```jldoctest boundary
filtration = Rips([0 1 1 1; 1 0 1 1; 1 1 0 1; 1 1 1 0])
Expand All @@ -206,4 +189,66 @@ Simplex{2}(-[4, 1], 1)
Simplex{2}(+[4, 2], 1)
boundary(::Any, ::AbstractSimplex)
boundary(filtration, simplex::AbstractSimplex) = Boundary(filtration, simplex)

# (co)boundaries ========================================================================= #
struct Coboundary{A, D, I, F, S}
vertices::NTuple{D, I}

function Coboundary{A}(
filtration::F, simplex::AbstractSimplex{D, <:Any, I}
) where {A, D, I, F}
S = typeof(simplex)
return new{A, D + 1, I, F, S}(filtration, simplex, Tuple(vertices(simplex)))

function Base.iterate(
ci::Coboundary{A, D, I}, (v, k)=(I(n_vertices(ci.filtration) + 1), D),
) where {A, D, I}
@inbounds while true
v -= one(I)
while k > 0 && v == ci.vertices[end + 1 - k]
A || return nothing
v -= one(I)
k -= 1
v > 0 || return nothing
sign = ifelse(iseven(k), one(I), -one(I))
new_vertices = TupleTools.insertafter(ci.vertices, D - k, (v,))
sx = unsafe_cofacet(ci.filtration, ci.simplex, new_vertices, v, sign)
if !isnothing(sx)
_sx::simplex_type(ci.filtration, D) = sx
return _sx, (v, k)

struct Boundary{D, I, F, S}
vertices::NTuple{D, I}

function Boundary(
filtration::F, simplex::AbstractSimplex{D, <:Any, I}
) where {D, I, F}
S = typeof(simplex)
return new{D + 1, I, F, S}(filtration, simplex, Tuple(vertices(simplex)))

function Base.iterate(bi::Boundary{D, I}, k=1) where {D, I}
while k D
facet_vertices = TupleTools.deleteat(bi.vertices, k)
k += 1
sign = ifelse(iseven(k), one(I), -one(I))
sx = unsafe_simplex(bi.filtration, Val(D - 2), facet_vertices, sign)
if !isnothing(sx)
_sx::simplex_type(bi.filtration, D - 2) = sx
return _sx, k
return nothing

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