Covariance, invariance, contravariance overview of collections in Java 11, vavr, guava.
- Covariance - enables you to use a more derived type than
originally specified.
If A is a subtype of B then X[A] should be a subtype of X[B].
- Contravariance - enables you to use a more generic
(less derived) type than originally specified.
If A is a supertype of B then X[A] should be a supertype of X[B].
- Invariance - means that you can use only the type originally specified; so an invariant generic type parameter is neither covariant nor contravariant.
Variance refers to how subtyping between more complex types relates to subtyping between their components.
Generics in Java are invariant. (Java has no way of knowing at runtime the type information of the type parameters, due to type erasure)
- Covariance: accept subtypes
Arrays in java are covariant.
- Contravariance: accept supertypes
No easy examples in java (unless wildcards).
- Invariance: neither covariant nor contravariant
Generics are invarant
With wildcards, it’s possible for generics to support covariance and contravariance.
- Covariance:
? extends Integer
List<Integer> ints = new LinkedList<>(); List<? extends Number> nums = ints;
- Contravariance:
? super Integer
List<Integer> ints = new LinkedList<>(); List<? super Integer> nums = ints;
- Remark:
- covariance is read-only
- contravariance is write-only
- otherwise compile-time error
Covariance could be dangerous (JavaUtilCollectionsTest
Dog[] dogs = new Dog[5];
Animal[] animals = dogs;
animals[0] = new Cat(); // ArrayStoreException
Mutability combined with covariance would break type safety:
List<String> strs = new ArrayList<String>();
List<Object> objs = strs; // !!! The cause of the upcoming problem sits here. Java prohibits this!
objs.add(1); // Here we put an Integer into a list of Strings
String s = strs.get(0); // !!! ClassCastException: Cannot cast Integer to String
Note that covariance can't be dangerous with immutable / readonly collections, cause we can't modify them.
- suppose we have method that we cannot modify
static void process(List<Animal> animals) { ... }
- then we cannot invoke (because of compile time error)
process(new LinkedList<Dog>()) // compile time error
- but we could try to bypass it with a trick
process(Collections.unmodifiableList(new LinkedList<Dog>()))
we have hierarchical structure:
interface Animal extends Comparable<Animal>
class Cat implements Animal
class Dog implements Animal
class BigDog extends Dog
what we can't do?
List<Dog> dogs = new LinkedList<>(); List<Animal> animals = dogs; // compile time error
what we can do?
using vavr:
HashSet<Dog> dogs = HashSet.of(new Dog(), new Dog()); HashSet<Animal> animals = HashSet.ofAll(dogs); HashSet<Animal> animals2 = HashSet.narrow(dogs); HashSet<Animal> animals3 = HashSet.of(new Dog(), new Dog());
HashSet<T> ofAll(java.lang.Iterable<? extends T> elements)
HashSet<T> narrow(io.vavr.collection.HashSet<? extends T> hashSet)
- in
tests for:HashSet
using guava
ImmutableSet<Dog> dogs = ImmutableSet.of(new Dog(), new Dog()); ImmutableSet<Animal> animals = ImmutableSet.of(new Dog(), new Dog()); ImmutableSet<Animal> animals2 = ImmutableSet.copyOf(Collections.<Dog>emptySet());
ImmutableSet<E> copyOf(Collection<? extends E> elements)
- in
tests for:ImmutableSet
pure java
- factory methods
List<Dog> dogs = List.of(new Dog(), new Dog()); List<Animal> animals = List.of(new Dog(), new Dog()); List<Animal> animals2 = List.copyOf(dogs);
List<Dog> dogs = new LinkedList<>(); dogs.add(new Dog()); List<Animal> dogsAsAnimals = Collections.unmodifiableList(dogs);
- in
tests for:List
- factory methods
note that you could also use wildcards:
- Please refer my other github project for PECS principle:
- covariance, read-only
Dog dog = new Dog(); List<Dog> dogs = new LinkedList<>(); dogs.add(dog); List<? extends Animal> dogsAsAnimal = dogs; // dogsAsAnimal.add(new Dog()); compile time error // Dog getDog = dogsAsAnimal.get(0); Animal getDog = dogsAsAnimal.get(0); assertThat(getDog, is(dog));
- contravariance, write-only
List<Dog> dogs = new LinkedList<>(); List<? super Dog> onlyDogSpecies = dogs; onlyDogSpecies.add(new Dog()); onlyDogSpecies.add(new BigDog()); // Animal getDog = dogsAsAnimal.get(0); compile time error assertThat(onlyDogSpecies.size(), is(2));