Habits Tracking App with Kotlin, Room Database, Kotlin Coroutines, MVVM Architecture, LiveData and MPAndroid Chart.
1- Insert Habits you want to track on a regular basis.
2- Enter each habit name and count per day.
3- Start tracking your habits.
4- The app makes a graph with your Last week/month progress which is calculated from your history, the count done divided by the count per day for each habit history in each day.
5- If you want more than the last week/month history, You can Insert any starting date and it will generate the graph for you starting from this day.
6- You can delete any habit or any habit history.
7- You can see all your history of past days.
8- Get the history of the only selected habit by one-to-many relationship.
9- Track your current streak of the Habit.
10- Edit the count per day for any Habit anytime.
11- Track your Mood status over the days and leave a message at the end of each day.
12- Search any day and it will show your habits that day with the progress percentage and Mood status with the message of that day.
The Welcome screen :
Home screen with Analytics :
The Habits screen :
Selected Habit history with current streak :
Edit the habit count anytime :
All History screen with search day feature :
Search a day showing progress, habits and mood that day :
Track your Mood over the days and leave a message at the end of the day :
Analytics can be customized, initially it shows current week/month history but you can select the starting day from the calendar icon and it will automatically analyze your data then :
Feel free to contribute, offer improvements or leave any comments, I'll be all ears :D