Improving myself on AWS, Golang, Kubernetes, Cloud Native Technologies and Observability Stack.
- Provisioning K3S Kubernetes Cluster and deploying applications/Postgre/Redis etc. with the GitOps Flux CD Kustomization Controller.
- Using Mozilla SOPS for Secret Management
- Graceful Shutdown for Postgre DB for avoiding Write-Ahead-Logging errors.
- Monitoring Cluster with Loki & Prometheus & Grafana (HELM)
- Nginx Ingress Controller and Cert-Manager/TLS Certificates (Custom/Default TLS & Lets Encrypt, etc...) (Flux Conditional Bootstrapping & Variable Substitution)
- Creating a Mutating Admission Controller Webhook for License Management (Patching)
- Pod-level Proxy/SSL Inspection Configuration for Flux
- Mirroring AWS S3 Bucket Objects with Minio Server/Gateway
- Terraform: Route53 (Hostedzones), WAF (IPSets, Rules, Resource Association), ALB (Listeners and Target Group Rules), ECS ( EC2 Launch Type / ASG / Launch Template for User-data ), RDS ( Aurora ), Elasticache, SNS + SQS for Event Architecture, Kinesis Data Firehose for delivering WAF and APP logs, Opensearch for collecting APP logs, S3 for storing Configuration Files
- AWS CDK with Python: Cloudwatch Alarms
- Serverless - Lambda: Monitoring ECS/RDS Events and etc., Creating Opsgenie Alarms and Sending Slack Notifications
- OpenVPN Community Server on AWS EC2
- Integrated Google 2FA Authenticator
- Slack Bot commands for VPN user management
- Creating Github Self-hosted Runner for Using Docker Cache Layers
- Docker Compose (Apps+DB+Redis+Nginx) with isolated Project/Network
- Paralel Cypress Execution by Test Tag
- Creating K3s Kubernetes Cluster. Provisioning APPs with FluxCD.
- Slack Bot Commands for Release Management
- Filebeat Custom Processors for injecting APP Git Commit SHA in order to keep track of number of panic errors which is related to specific commit
kloia is a new-era consultancy company who is an accelerator for closing the technology gap through the adoption of modern practices in Cloud, DevOps, Test Automation and Microservices.
- Worked on the integration project of Jenkins Shared Library written in Groovy for the CI / CD implementation of Adaptive Branching, one of the branching methods.
- Worked on the project of creating Upstream and Downstream Kubernetes Clusters and their integrated components in the private cloud as code.
- Participated in the project of creating a Monitoring Platform (Nginx, Prometheus, Grafana, Alertmanager) using Ansible and Custom Prometheus Exporter using Python.
- Worked with APM(Instana) and Opensource observability technologies (Opentelemetry/Opentracing etc.) and how to get telemetry data in distributed architecture by manual/auto instrumentation.
Tübitak Bilgem YTE develops R&D-oriented software solutions in order to meet the digital transformation needs of public institutions.
- Involved in "BKMYBS" project which enables the joint management of the accounting transactions of all public institutions and organizations within the scope of the central government budget.
- TECHNOLOGY STACK: Ember.js, Spring Boot, Hibernate, PostgreSQL, Apache Kafka, ELK Stack and SOAP Web services.