OcculterCut: A Comprehensive Survey of AT-Rich Regions in Fungal Genomes https://academic.oup.com/gbe/article/8/6/2044/2574090
This document provides instructions on how to install and run the OcculterCut software for multiple libraries/isolates, as well as how to obtain summarized information from the output
#download to a directory
wget https://sourceforge.net/projects/occultercut/files/OcculterCut_v1.1.tar.gz
#extract the occultercut
tar -xzf OcculterCut_v1.1.tar.gz
#cd to the folder, update the package manager, install the g++ compiler if it's not already installed
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install g++
#then run the make command to generate execuatble files
#create list of isolates ID / library
ls -1 *_ncl_assembly.fasta | sed 's/_ncl_assembly.fasta//' >list.txt
- then run the script
# Read the IDs from the list.txt file
while IFS= read -r library; do
# Create a folder for the current ID
mkdir -p ./results/$library
# Run OcculterCut for the current ID
./OcculterCut_v1.1/OcculterCut -f ./path/${library}_ncl_assembly.fasta
# Move the output files to the respective folder
mv *.txt *.gff3 *.R0 *.R1 *.plt ./results/$library/
done < ./dpird_assembly/list.txt #if list in different directory, you have to provide path
- the above script will create a directory: results
- download above summary scripts: calculate_10_percentile_bin_gc.py and calculate_summary_gc_at_length_percent.py in the results directory [do not need to change anything or set a path here] and run it. It will extract AT and GC percentage/length info and GC profiles in ~10 percentile bins info for all the libraries.
- then run final_gc_at_summary_table.py it should generate a summary of AT and GC percentage/length and final_10_percentile_bin_summary_table.py should generate a summary of gc_10_percentile_bin as csv [note: may need to set file path here, depending on input file location]