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Releases: mui/material-ui-pickers


17 Feb 19:56
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v4.0.0-alpha.3 Pre-release

Improvements for v4.0.0-alpha.2

This release is a part of v4 (#1293) development. v4 is in active development right now and we are planning to create more breaking changes. So please, update wisely 😸

Checkout latest documentation 📝 at


  • [a11y] Improved keyboard focus management and focus displaying. We are not using the ripple effect for focus anymore - just changing the background color.
  • 🐛 Fixed hosting adapters, so now they are properly reexported by pickers:
    We are now hosting date-io adapter by ourselves. So you need to import it from @material-ui/pickers/adapter/date-fns instead of right from @date-io/date-fns
-import DateFnsUtils from '@date-io/date-fns'
+import DateFnsUtils from '@material-ui/pickers/adapter/date-fns'

<MuiPickersUtilsProvider utils={DateFnsUtils}> 
  • 🐛 Fixed conflicts in imports between root ("@material-ui/pickers") vs path imports ("@material-ui/pickers/DatePicker"), so now mixing imports will not fail the application


13 Feb 20:33
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v4.0.0-alpha.2 Pre-release

Localization and accessibility

This PR significantly improves pickers localization and accessibility. Documentation for this prerelease is available at

Localization changes

  1. No more need in ampm prop. Finally pickers will automatically resolve currently used locale settings and will render 12 or 24 hours clock accordingly.
  2. No more weird mask autogeneration, so you will need to manually set the mask for different locales (by default mask is for en-US locale). If provided mask is not valid for the current locale we are falling back to the simple unmasked input

Screen Recording 2020-01-31 at 18 18 42

  1. Introduce disableMaskedInput prop just to disable masking at all (force the same behavior ^)
  2. Input format is now using localized format tokens for each of the available date libraries. This means that you don't need to change input format for each locale anymore.
  3. Better localization for datepicker and datetimepicker mobile toolbar text, right now they are still not so brilliantly localized but will satisfy most of the locales.

Accessibility changes

We changed literally everything related to accessibility and made pickers finally accessible. Giant thanks to @ahayes91 for help. Please read our new Accessibility guide.

But in short:

  1. Calendar and year selection now properly implements focus navigation from the keyboard
  2. Calendar using aria-grid for better navigation
  3. All elements have default aria-label without the need to set up it manually. Also, added a lot of props to adjust aria-label text.
  4. All buttons (including days) are clickable from the keyboard (using Space or Enter)
  5. Timepicker clock has now keyboard control using arrows
  6. All date changes are announced by screen readers when changing from the keyboard


26 Jan 20:11
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Support release v3.2.10

Make sure that v3 is on support right now, but actively we are working only the next v4 version. Check the first release notes of v4


  • Fix typescript compatibility issue with @material-ui/core v4.9.3


19 Jan 10:43
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Support release

Make sure that v3 is on support right now, but actively we are working only the next v4 version. Check the first release notes of v4


  • Update dependencies that caused security vulnerabilities
  • Fix clock numbers disappearing after animations on macOS Safari


17 Jan 21:03
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v4.0.0-alpha.1 Pre-release


Here is the first prerelease of material-ui-pickers v4. We are going to ship all the features from the #1293. This alpha is actually the major design upgrade to new material design 2.0 pickers guidelines.

Documentation for v4:


Use npm @next tag to install the prerelease version. Make sure that we are going to introduce new breaking changes in prerelease versions.

yarn add @material-ui/pickers@next

Breaking changes

  • ampm prop is now false by default.
  • date-io v2 required. So please update any of your @date-io/{moment/date-fns/any} adapter to at least v2.0.0
  • There is no more Keyboard* components exported (like KeyboardDatePicker). From now any picker will allow keyboard input. For mobile, it is possible using the "pen" icon inside the dialog.
  • No more variant prop. Variant now passed right to the mui text field. To force specific wrapper you can use different exported components. Check “Responsiveness” demo for each component.

So it is required that your formats will be keyboard friendly (e.g. MM/dd/yyyy instead of MMMM yyyy)

- format="MMMM yyyy"
+ format="MM/dd/yyyy"
  • There is no more variant prop. By default, the picker will adapt to the user device viewport to render the most convenient wrapper (popover or dialog). But it is possible to force this behavior importing special components. Check out this example


  • 🎉 🎉 New design and UX 🎉 🎉

  • New animations, improve performance up to 30% for current calendar switching animations

  • Turn off animations (that are using react-transition-group) by default for Android devices. Use reduceAnimation prop to configure this behavior.

  • Better formats override ability for localization. But this feature will be significantly improved in the next prereleases

  • New way to input am/pm value

It is now the default behavior for desktop mode and DateTimePicker. Use ampmInClock to enable this view on mobile.


15 Nov 20:46
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Just 2 fixes:

  • Fix imports issues with typescript 3.7 (#1392)
  • Handle crashing of .scrollIntoView on Firefox 52-57 (#1393)


14 Oct 15:41
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Hey, we are mostly started work on material-ui-pickers v4 🎉. We are going to significantly improve this package, but firstly we need to know how you are using pickers. Share your thoughts at our survey

Make sure

We are using some stuff from Typescript v3.4. So it is required to update


This is a patch release with the following fixes:

  • Fix clock number position issue if overwrote theme spacing does not return a number as 1rem (#1327) @bndynet
  • [#1336] Do not crush if no enabled dates (#1343)
  • Update dependencies
  • [docs] Add some notifications to docs page
  • [docs] Fix not working moment example (#1353)


13 Sep 07:35
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Big thanks to 3 contributors, that make this release possible. 🥇


  • Add new readOnly prop that prevents opening pickers
  • Move back to building with rollup, but save treeshaking @TrySound (#1309)


  • Fix typescript typings issue with new material-ui
  • Fix date picker header displaying issue with german locale


04 Sep 08:39
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New patch release, with the following fixes:

  • Add some typo and grammar fixes (#1301) @modkaffes
  • Fix not dispatching onError(undefined) if error should be cleared
  • Use custom Omit<T, K> in order to not required typescript v3.5, closes #1282
  • Increase min width for modal dialog for better localization support, closes #1292


24 Aug 17:46
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Release with regression fixes

  • Fix typescript compilations issues
  • Fix usage of libInstance prop
  • [docs] Fix formik example