Since 2010, the Multipack’s logo has featured a simplified rendition of Laurence Broderick’s The Guardian, the bronze bull sculpture that sits outside the Bullring Centre in Birmingham.
A few notes on usage:
- When used in the logo, the word ‘Multipack’ is uppercased
- The bull icon can be used on its own, or with the word mark. When used together, both are aligned to the left.
Brand colours:
Name | HEX | HSL |
Green | #33cc66 |
hsl(140, 60%, 50%) |
Teal | #006666 |
hsl(180, 100%, 20%) |
Blue | #0066cc |
hsl(210, 100%, 40%) |
Neutral palette:
Name | HEX | HSL |
Darkest | #23292f |
hsl(210, 15%, 16%) |
Dark | #45525e |
hsl(210, 15%, 32%) |
Mid | #687a8d |
hsl(210, 15%, 48%) |
Light | #c4ccd4 |
hsl(210, 15%, 80%) |
Lightest | #f3f5f6 |
hsl(210, 15%, 96%) |
The Multipack brand and website use Public Sans. This open source typeface is available under the SIL Open Font License and can be downloaded from the Public Sans website or Google Fonts.