A simple pid file handling library with no dependencies, that provides simple creation, locking, and cleanup. Supports checking pid files for stale pid values for automatic cleanup. The library also includes helpers for storing the PID in standard locations within the OS.
This library will become part of a collection of depency-less libraries making
up a compound service
library to provide all the functionality needed for
enabling applications to function as linux services, from deamonization to
writing pids.
There is a variety of ways to interact with the library, and a different ways to initialize the functions to run in response to OS signals:
package main
import (
pid "github.com/multiverse-os/pid"
func main() {
// Create the pid in a custom location
pid := pid.Write("tmp/test.pid")
// Three standard locations are included
// writes `/var/tmp/{executable_name}.pid`
pidTwo,_ := pid.Write(pid.TempDefault())
// writes `/var/{current_username}/{executable_name}/{executable_name}.pid`
pidThree, _ := pid.Write(pid.UserDefault())
// writes `/var/run/test/{executable_name}/pid`
pidFour, err := pid.Write(pid.OSDefault())
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("something major went wrong!")
Volunteers are wanted to help improve the quality and competeness Any feature requests, push requets, documentation fixes are welcome, please just create a pull request and a code review will be initiated.