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Sync meeting 2023 04 11
Kenneth Hoste edited this page Apr 11, 2023
2 revisions
- feedback on kickoff meeting (23-24 March)
- status on minutes: need to check with Neja
- GitHub project "tutorial" by Kenneth/Caspar on Fri 14 April 2023 (13:00 CEST)
- if support portal ends up in GitLab, should we also consider moving the planning project from GitHub to GitLab?
- EESSI repositories are in GitHub, easier to "link" in project board in GitHub
- having a separate system for communication with end users (support portal) vs internal (project board) is OK
- Caspar: incidents vs problems => incidents go to support portal (e.g. GitLab), problems are escallations from the support team to the dev team and will be tickets in the MultiXscale GitHub
- WP status updates
- [SURF] WP1 Developing a Central Platform for Scientific Software on Emerging Exascale Technologies
- [UGent] T1.1 Stable (EESSI) - due M12+M24
- RUG is in process of ordering hardware for Stratum-0, see https://github.com/multixscale/planning/issues/12
- support for NVIDIA GPUs: ongoing, see https://github.com/multixscale/planning/issues/1
- open problem with using this in containers, who can we reach out to for getting help?
- Fillipo @ NVIDIA
- Vasileios @ NVIDIA (ReFrame lead dev)
- Christian (container expert)
- Bart Oldeman (ComputeCanada)
- maybe try with
- open problem with using this in containers, who can we reach out to for getting help?
- adding ESPResSo to EESSI (https://github.com/multixscale/planning/issues/53)
- adding waLBerla to EESSI (https://github.com/multixscale/planning/issues/55)
- on hold until ESPResSo is done
- [RUG] T1.2 Extending support (starts M9, due M30)
- [SURF] T1.3 Test suite - due M12+M24
- blueprint test is basically done, using GROMACS - see https://github.com/multixscale/planning/issues/16
- starting to look into low-level tests, like OSU (see https://github.com/multixscale/planning/issues/30)
- [BSC] T1.4 RISC-V (starts M13)
- [SURF] T1.5 Consolidation (starts M25)
- [UGent] T1.1 Stable (EESSI) - due M12+M24
- [UGent] WP5 Building, Supporting and Maintaining a Central Shared Stack of Optimized Scientific Software Installations
- [UGent] T5.1 Support portal - due M12
- looking into alternatives, incl. GitLab - see https://github.com/multixscale/planning/issues/25
- [SURF] T5.2 Monitoring/testing (starts M9)
- [UiB] T5.3 community contributions (bot) - due M12
- ongoing, see https://github.com/multixscale/planning/issues/42
- [UGent] T5.4 support/maintenance (starts M13)
- [UGent] T5.1 Support portal - due M12
- [UB] WP6 Community outreach, education, and training
- half-day EESSI tutorial at HPCKP'23 (being organised by Eli)
- [HPCNow] WP7 Dissemination, Exploitation & Communication
- Susana is working on website
- added press release: https://www.multixscale.eu/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/MultiXscale-Kick-off-meeting_Press-Release_vf.pdf
- added EuroHPC Summit poster
- needs pages for CECAM, EESSI, software projects, events, ...
- Alan can make
redirect todissemination-MultiXscale@cmm.ki.si
- deliverable for dissemination was submitted on time
- was iterated over together with steering committee
- can be shared within project (see Alan's acocunt in Overleaf)
- Susana is working on website
- [SURF] WP1 Developing a Central Platform for Scientific Software on Emerging Exascale Technologies
- other stuff
- we need a shared calendar (via MultiXscale GMail address created by Neja?)
- for meetings, events, ...
- for deadlines on deliverables (with link back to GitHub issue)
- landing page with links to all MultiXscale resources?
https://github.com/multixscale/hub private repository?
- links to GitHub, Sharepoint, ...
- should NOT include passwords
- policies
- for getting deliverables submitted
- official wording to be used
- templates for presentations, ...
https://github.com/multixscale/hub private repository?
- policy for deliverables
- deliverable is sent to WP leader, then SC, then gets uploaded by project coordinator (NIC)?
- Susana received invitation to join CASTIEL2 communication meeting
- Alan: CASTIEL2 also wants large meeting with all CoE's (Tue+Wed 18-19 April 2023)
- incl. 15-min presentation on MultiXscale
- Alan?
- hope to spin our approach a bit
- who can join?
- Alan (partially)
- Matej?
- incl. 15-min presentation on MultiXscale
- Alan is in touch with AIIDA workflow tool (used in MaX CoE) to see if they're interested in using EESSI as backend
- Alan: CASTIEL2 also wants large meeting with all CoE's (Tue+Wed 18-19 April 2023)
- we need a shared calendar (via MultiXscale GMail address created by Neja?)
- presence at ISC'23?
- mostly via HPCNow! (Eli)
- next sync meeting
- Tue 9 May 2023, 09:00 CEST