Waywin is an online platform designed for trainers, including psychologists, career guidance counselors, motivational speakers, and more. Trainers can create profiles, upload their available time slots, and users can verify and book appointments with trainers who meet their requirements. The platform is divided into three main modules: user, trainer, and admin.
Visit the project at www.waywin.musaffar.com to experience the platform.
Responsive Design: The frontend is built using React and Tailwind CSS, ensuring a responsive and user-friendly experience.
Dark and Light Modes: Users can switch between dark and light modes based on their preferences.
Real-time Chat: The platform offers real-time chat functionality using Socket.io for communication between users and trainers.
Type Safety: TypeScript is used in both the front-end to ensure type security throughout the platform
git clone https://github.com/musaffarulislam/waywin-frontend.git
cd waywin-frontend
yarn global add nodemon
yarn install
yarn dev
The frontend has an automated CI/CD pipeline set up for continuous integration and continuous deployment. Here's how it works:
GitHub Actions: Our CI pipeline is managed using GitHub Actions, a powerful automation platform. Every time changes are pushed to the repository, GitHub Actions automatically triggers a series of predefined workflows.
Testing: During the CI process, automated tests are executed to ensure that the code meets quality and functionality standards. This includes unit tests, integration tests, and end-to-end tests.
Code Analysis: We use static code analysis tools to check for code style and potential issues, ensuring high code quality.
After successful CI, the CD part of the pipeline takes over:
AWS IAM Service: AWS IAM (Identity and Access Management) is utilized to securely manage access to AWS resources during the deployment process. It ensures that the deployment process is both secure and efficient.
Deployment to AWS S3 and CloudFront: The frontend is hosted on AWS S3, a scalable object storage service, and content is distributed using AWS CloudFront for low-latency access. Deployment is automated, meaning that any approved changes are automatically deployed to our production environment.