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V2R5 Changelog

Mike Großmann edited this page Aug 30, 2021 · 8 revisions


  • FSS automatic update feature
  • Writing SMF type 242 records at start, load and end of BREXX
  • ADDRESS ISPEXEC - interface to Wally´s ISPF
  • ADDRESS COMMAND - interface to the underlying CP (VM/CP or HERCULES) e.g. "CP xxx"
  • ADDRESS CONSOLE - interface to the MVS system console
  • ENQ(), DEQ() - handle MVS enqueues
  • PUTSMF() - write raw data to sms record
  • MTT() - read master trace table
  • OUTTRAP() - capture output from tso
  • RACCHECK() - check RAKF profiles
  • ÌMPORT(FQDSN) - explicit import procedure from a full qualified dataset name
  • SYSVAR(SYSRACF) - check if RAKF available
  • SYSVAR(SYSRAKF) - check if RAKF available
  • SYSVAR(SYSNODE) - NJE node id
  • SYSVAR(SYSAUTH) - check if authorized
  • SYSVAR(SYSCP) - check CP name
  • SYSVAR(SYSCPLVL) - check CP level
  • MVSVAR(CPU) - check CPU type
  • MVSVAR(CPUS) - check number of CPUs
  • MVSVAR(SYSOPSYS) - check OS level
  • MVSVAR(SYSNJVER) - check NJE level


  • all the RAKF stuff must be reviewed prior release
  • straighten the build process
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