With the permission of Tommy Sprinkle we are maintaining the TSO Full Screen Services implementation.
Dataset Browser
Command ===>
Dataset ---- TCS3.MVS.LOAD
TTR ===> 000001 Show Key ===> Y Key ---- 8 Data ---- 256
Offset 0...2... 4...6... 8...A... C...E...
000000 C5E2E3C1 C5404040 00FEC1D3 D3D6C340 * ESTAE ..ALLOC *
000010 40400102 052C0103 0B000000 000002E2 * .............S *
000020 01188838 78000000 88000001 0000C2D7 * ..h.....h.....BP *
000030 D6C5C2D3 C4D30003 1C2C0004 01000000 * OEBLDL.......... *
000040 000002E2 001A901A 90000000 88000001 * ...S........h... *
000050 0000C2D7 D6C5E3C5 E2E30003 042C0003 * ..BPOETEST...... *
000060 09000000 000002E2 000FE00F E0000000 * .......S..\.\... *
000070 88000001 0000C3C2 E3F9F7F3 40400053 * h.....CBT973 .. *
000080 182C0053 1D000000 000002E2 00053005 * ...........S.... *
000090 30000000 88000001 0000C4C2 C3E3C5E2 * ....h.....DBCTES *
0000A0 E340001D 1C2C001D 21000000 000002E2 * T .............S *
0000B0 000B400B 40000000 88000001 0000C4C2 * .. . ...h.....DB *
0000C0 E4E7E3C5 E2E30003 142C0003 19000000 * UXTEST.......... *
0000D0 000002E2 00071807 18000000 88000001 * ...S........h... *
0000E0 0000C5E2 E3C1C540 4040001C 112C001D * ..ESTAE ...... *
0000F0 04000000 000002E2 00015001 50000000 * .......S..&.&... *
000100 88000001 00000000 * h....... *
FSS is a C library for displaying formatted screens on a 3270 terminal under TSO. Above is a screen shot of an actual 3270 full-screen application using FSS.
FSS was developed using the JCC compiler and MVS 3.8 running on Hercules. Most of the code should easily port to other compilers.
FSS is implemented in three layers each contained in its own source file. First is the SVC layer. It provides the ability to issue a SVC instruction to request MVS Supervisor services. The SVC layer is written in 370 assembler and is specific to JCC.
The second layer is TSO. It is written in C and calls the SVC layer when MVS Supervisor services are needed. The TSO layer implements an interface to basic TSO functions necessary for full screen access.
The third layer is FSS. FSS manages a group of fields that make up a screen. It constructs a 3270 data stream and calls the TSO layer to write it (TPUT) to the TSO terminal. It also manages mapping input data from the terminal.