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Receive via HTTP with ngrok using a QT Wallet

MrT edited this page Jul 27, 2021 · 8 revisions

To receive payment via HTTP, you need to configure your HTTP(S) payment address. For it, you have 3 options listed below : HTTP(S) address with Ngrok (recommended for beginners), HTTP(S) address with NAT or HTTP(S) address with Double-NAT. That will allow every user to receive MWCs by HTTP(S) payment address. The most recommended and easiest way to configure the HTTP(S) address for new user is the Ngrok software. Moreover, by using Ngrok you will not reveal your ip to the sender, so the Double-Nat isn't needed anymore as long as you use the ngrok HTTP(S) address.

WARNING: Please note that ngrok is a third party service and you are trusting them. They will be able to see the amounts you are transferring and possibly even replace your slate file with thier own file. Alternatively you can use port forwarding if you don't want to use ngrok.

Contents :


To follow this tutorial, you will need the following:

Install and Run Ngrok

First let's lay out the overall procedure, more detailed instructions with screenshots are below:

  1. Start NGrok
  2. Request the Payment
  3. Dont close the wallet until the payment was received
  • Download Ngrok with no account on all plateforms with the link below :

    In our example, we'll take Ngrok on windows.


  • Extract the zip file, and double-click on ngrok.exe.


  • Then click on run to launch Ngrok.

In case your OS handles this differently than Windows and no Interactive Terminal is launched after clicking the executable you can manually start a terminal to launch ngrok from. You can do this by either right-clicking the Folder the executable is in an selecting "New Terminal at Folder" or by searching "Terminal" to start it and navigating inside the folder using cd %Folderngrokisin% .
Then you can enter: ./ngrok 3415 http into the terminal and press enter.


  • Ngrok have been welly launched as we can see below.


  • Type ngrok http 3415 in the ngrok console to expose your local web server and so receive MWC via HTTP(S) payment with your Ngrok address.

    • On Windows 7-10 :

      ngrok http 3415  
    • On Mac OSX & Linux :

      ./ngrok http 3415  


  • Now, you are online and as we can see: the link expire in 7 hours and 59 minutes. The arrow points your HTTPS address which is needed to withdraw (typical ngrok address for your withdrawal :, HTTP & HTTP(S) ngrok address are usable to receive MWC. By the way, we highly recommend every user to use the HTTPS link.

    In the example below, Ngrok HTTP(S) payment address are :
    Ngrok HTTP address :
    Ngrok HTTPS address :

    You have a demonstation with image on how to receive MWC with HTTP(S) ngrok address just here !


Receive via HTTP with ngrok on GUI MWC Wallet

Your Ngrok link expires after being online 8 hours in a row. You will need to close and launch back the Ngrok sotware to have a new session and as well a new usable link. By the way, make sure to type ngrok http 3415 in the Ngrok terminal to enable the HTTP(S) port 3415 tunnel. Moreover, you need to let the Ngrok Terminal open to be online when you receive your MWC withdrawal. To close Ngrok, you just need to close the Terminal manually or type CTRL + C . Make sure that QT Wallet recipient wallet is listening and the Ngrok HTTP(S) tunnel port is online and running !

  • Now you can run ngrok to expose your local web server and type in newly opened ngrok terminal :

    • On Windows 7-10 :

      ngrok http 3415  
    • On Mac OSX & Linux :

      ./ngrok http 3415  


  • Once you have the MWC wallet and ngrok running, you can make your withdrawal with the ngrok address that you can find on the ngrok terminal as we can see below.

    Make sure to have the MWC wallet and ngrok open and running. Note that a typical ngrok address for withdrawal is :


  • Once the payement is sent, you will have a pop-up confirming that you received a payement, but at this step the transaction still UNCONFIRMED and it's in AWAITING CONFIRMATION as you can see below :


  • To check the current status of the transaction go in the Transaction tab. As we saw before the transaction still have no confirmation yet, you will need at least to wait 2 min to see it as confirmed.


  • Once the transaction is confirmed you need to wait for enough confirmations (set to 10 blocks by default) to spend the fund received recently.


  • Once 10 confirmations (10 minutes) are reached, you can spend it directly after.


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