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Predicting the Stock Market

This is a repo for Predicting stock market data using machine learning with sentiment data on related news. Below are the steps in order to run models:

Step 1: Web Scrape News Data with Reddit Data Extractor

The reddit data extractor can be found here:

This will save text files into a directory of your choosing. The text files will be named with the headlines of the data collected.

Step 2: Update File references in the following scripts

  • A. Line 31/40 - change the stock ticker in the first param of 'get_data_yahoo()' to what you need (Note: if the dataframe comes back empty, it means Yahoo has not updated the data yet for the API to collect; try again later)
  • B. Line 57 - change to the directory the reddit news data was saved to
  • C. Line 83 & 84 - change the file paths to where Rscript.exe is from your R build, and the path to the sentiment_extraction.r script saved in this repo
  • D. Line 135, 144, and 145 - change file name to name of stock data collected


  • A. Line 4 - change to the file path to where the file '' is saved to and append '.../Today_News.csv' to the end
  • B. Line 15 - change path to file made from line 86 in ''
  • C. Line 16 - Make sure path to file matches line 4

Step 3: Execute Stock_Modeling.ipynb

  • This notebook will process the existing stock data collected and joined sentiment data for modeling (e.g. DJ_NEWS_SENTIMENT_DATA.csv)
  • Then it will perform modeling on the High, Low, and Close to create a prediction for today's final stock values and the following day's values.
  • Note: Ensure data read-in for 'data' or 'data_tomorrow' are set to correct locations


The following Python Build was used in the development: Anaconda 3.6

The following are also necessary packages for this to work:

  • R: syuzhet
  • Python: numpy, pandas, statsmodels, pandas_datareader, matplotlib, subprocess, sklearn, shutil, fix_yahoo_finance, datetime, csv, os