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Eduardo Macarron edited this page Jun 2, 2013 · 7 revisions

This page provides some information that is useful when migrating a project from iBatis 2 to MyBatis 3. It is probably not 100% complete.

###Conversion Tool

There is a tool available in the downloads section that will help you to convert your iBATIS 2.x sqlmap files into MyBatis 3.x xml mapper files.

Get it from

The tool is designed around an xslt transformation and some text replacements packaged in an ant task and tries to deliver a good starting point before the more complex work begins.

###New DTDs

New sqlMapConfig.xml DTD:

<!DOCTYPE configuration PUBLIC "-// Config 3.0//EN" "">

New sqlMap (*.map.xml) DTD:

<!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-// Mapper 3.0//EN" ""> 


* Root configuration tag `<sqlMapConfig>` is now `<configuration>`


Within the root configuration tag:

<settings x="y" foo="bar"/>

is now:

    <setting name="x" value="y"/>
    <setting name="foo" value="bar"/>


<settings useStatementNamespaces="true"/>

can be removed, since the use of namespaces has become mandatory.


<typeAlias> must be moved out of the <sqlMap> element to <configuration><typeAliases></typeAliases></configuration>

        <typeAlias ... />

####<transactionManager> and <dataSource>

<transactionManager type="JDBC" commitRequired="false">
    <dataSource type="your.package.CustomDataSourceFactory" />

is now:

<environments default="env">
    <environment id="env">
        <transactionManager type="JDBC">
            <property name="commitRequired" value="false"/>
        <dataSource type="your.package.CustomDataSourceFactory" />


<sqlMap resource=... />
<sqlMap resource=... />
<sqlMap resource=... />

is now:

    <mapper resource=... />


* The root element `<sqlMap>` is now `<mapper>`
* The attribute `parameterClass` should be changed to `parameterType`
* The attribute `resultClass` should be changed to `resultType`
* The attribute `class` should be changed to `type`
* the `columnIndex` attribute does not exist anymore for the `<result>` tag 
* The `groupBy` attribute has been eliminated.  Here is an example of `groupBy` from a 2.x sqlMap:
<resultMap id="productRM" class="product" groupBy="id">
    <result property="id" column="product_id"/>
    <result property="name" column="product_name"/>
    <result property="category" column="product_category"/>
    <result property="subProducts" resultMap="Products.subProductsRM"/>


<resultMap id="productRM" type="product" >
    <id property="id" column="product "/>
    <result property="name " column="product_name "/>
    <result property="category " column="product_category "/>
    <collection property="subProducts" resultMap="Products.subProductsRM"/>

####Nested resultMaps These should now be specified using the <association> tag.

<resultMap ...>
    <result property="client" resultMap="Client.clientRM"/>

is now:

<resultMap ...>
    <association property="client" resultMap="Client.clientRM"/>

####<parameterMap> Although this tag is deprecated, it can be used as in iBatis 2. However for versions up to 3.0.3 there is a bug when using type="map" and not specifying javaType for a parameter. This will result in

There is no getter for property named '...' in 'interface java.util.Map'    

####Inline parameters


is now:


####jdbcType changes


is now:




is now:


####Stored procedures

* the `<procedure>` tag doesn't exist anymore.  Use `<select>`, `<insert>` or `<update>`. 
<procedure id="getValues" parameterMap="getValuesPM">
    { ? ###call pkgExample.getValues(p_id> ?) }

is now:

<select id="getValues" parameterMap="getValuesPM" statementType="CALLABLE">
    { ? ###call pkgExample.getValues(p_id> ?)}

If you're calling an insert procedure that returns a value, you can use <select> instead of <insert>, but make sure to specify useCache="false" and flushCache="true". You'll also have to force a commit.


<cacheModel id="myCache" type="LRU">
    <flushInterval hours="24"/>
    <property name="size" value="100" />

is now:

<cache flushInterval="86400000" eviction="LRU"/>

Note: you can omit eviction="LRU" since it is the default.

The <flushOnExecute> tag is replaced by the flushCache attribute for the statements and the cache will be used by all select statements by default.

####Dynamic SQL

The most common dynamic SQL in my project is isNotNull. Here is an example replacement regex:




<if test="$1 !###null">

Also common is the use of isEqual, you can replace this by a similar <if> tag.

###Java code


* This class doesn't exist anymore.  Use `SqlSessionFactory` instead (see User Guide).

####Custom type handler

* Replace interface `TypeHandlerCallback` with `TypeHandler`.  It has slightly different but similar methods.

####Custom data source factory

Old interface:


New interface:


Replace method

public void initialize(Map properties)


public void setProperties(Properties props)
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