This pipeline uses Jeff Kidd's tool FastCN tool to predict copy number in a region based on read-depth of Illumina reads.
git clone
cd fastCN
g++ -o GC_control_gen
g++ -o SAM_GC_correction
gcc -std=c99 depth_combine.c -O3 -o depth_combine
Before running the Snakefile you need to have in your path:
- fastCN
- MrsFast
- bedToBigBed
- Python 2 with pandas, numpy and matplotlib libraries
The best way to do this is to create just a Conda environment:
conda create -n snakecn python=2.7 pandas numpy matplotlib ucsc-bedToBigBed
FastCN and MrsFast should be manually added to your path.
Example: activating the environment and adding fastCN and MrsFast to the path:
export PATH=/share/dennislab/programs/new_miniconda3/bin/:$PATH
source activate snakecn
export PATH="/share/dennislab/programs/fastCN:/share/dennislab/programs/mrsfast/:$PATH"
Python scripts must have execution permissions set (change with
Using Jeff Kidd's reference (3 Kb windows):
tar -xvzf GRCh38_BSM_fastCN.tgz
rm GRCh38_BSM_fastCN.tgz
You also need a file containing chrom sizes. We generated a custom file containing chrom sizes for that reference.
We also created a referece with window size 1 Kb as follows:
intersectBed -v -wao -a GRCh38_bsm.1kb.bed -b GRCh38-badRegions.bed.sorted.merge > GRCh38_bsm.1kb.control
awk '{if($1=="chrX"){print}}' GRCh38_bsm.1kb.control > GRCh38_bsm.1kb.bed.chrXnonParControl
awk '{if($1 !~ "_" && $1 != "chrX" && $1 != "chrM" && $1 != "chrY" && $1 != "chrEBV"){print}}' GRCh38_bsm.1kb.control > GRCh38_bsm.1kb.bed.autoControl
The custom reference genome for this analysis is located in:
This pipeline needs a file containing complete link addresses for all fastq files related to that sample.
Then just run:
snakemake -p --config sample="sample_name" urls="filename.urls" reference_path="path/to/referece" chrom_sizes="path/to/chromsizes"
Example: (running with 10 cores maximum)
snakemake -p --config sample=NA18507 urls=NA18507.urls reference_path=/share/dennislab/databases/assemblies/GRCh38/GRCh38_BSM_WMDUST chrom_sizes=/share/dennislab/databases/assemblies/GRCh38/GRCh38_BSM_WMDUST/ref-WMDUST/GRCh38_BSM.chromsizes -j 10
- This pipeline uses only paired-end reads with the extensions "_1" and "_2". This can be modified in the future (if we want to use single-end reads).
- This pipeline is not paralog specific
Additional scripts to genotype copy number for certain genes of interest are provided in the scripts folder.
receives a bed file with regions for copy number genotyping, sample name and its respective bed file with copy number
receives a bed file with regions for copy number genotyping, and path that contains copy number estimates for one or several individuals. The script will automatically read all files with extension "CN.bed" and output a tsv matrix with copy number variants for each
receives a bed file with regions for copy number genotyping, and converts the windows from 1kb to 5kb in size, averaging their copy number. (Merges 5 consecutive windows in a provided bedfile and averages their copy number).
To run these scripts create a python3 environment with pandas installed.
Example genotyping:
python scripts/ --sample NA18507 --copynumber windows/NA18507.depth.1kb.bed.CN.bed --genes data/genotypable_regions.bed
python scripts/ --path windows/ --genes data/genotypable_regions.bed
Results will be stored in NA18507_cnv.tsv
and samples_cnv.tsv
locations of data:
/share/dennislab/databases/data/1KG_highcov/original_cram/ # These files were re-downloaded because they were corrupted in the /mnt/databases/dennislab/ directories
- Activate Conda Environment
export PATH=/share/dennislab/programs/dennis-miniconda/bin:$PATH
source activate snakecn
export PATH="/share/dennislab/programs/fastCN:/share/dennislab/programs/mrsfast/:$PATH"
module load samtools
- Directory requirements
- symbolically link all cram files into subdirectory
- must contain the Snakefile named "Snakefile"
- subdirectory called
- Config Requirements
The snakefile needs to be run with the paths to the following files specified as config parameters:
- samples = A file containing one sample name per line for all the samples to run example: NA12878.cram would be listed as NA12878
- reference path = path to reference. This is the path to use for 1kg and hgdp data
- chrom_sizes = location of chrom sizes file. For 1kg and hgdp data use
- window_size = either "1kb" or "3kb"
- Running the snakefile
Run with the following command:
/share/dennislab/programs/dennis-miniconda/bin/snakemake --config samples=samples.txt reference_path=/share/dennislab/databases/assemblies/GRCh38/GRCh38_BSM_WMDUST chrom_sizes=/share/dennislab/databases/assemblies/GRCh38/GRCh38_BSM_WMDUST/ref-WMDUST/GRCh38_BSM.chromsizes window_size=1kb -p -j 10