Here are some ideas for trading alerts.
- symbol:vale3
- date:20210312
- epoch: 1615574725 – 1615576600
- stats: book_imbalance, mid_p
- check all ticker ... ** short: if price is going DOWN consistently with high trade volumes ** long: if price is going UP consistently with high trade volumes
consistently = multiple times within time range
The signals are then calculated based on these stats:
- whether it is a downtrend or uptrend
- whether the expected price given from the beta is overbought or oversold This model takes a mean-reverting approach:
- On a BUY signal indicating oversold and uptrend, we take a LONG position. Then close the LONG position on a SELL signal.
- Conversely, on a SELL signal, we take a SHORT position and closeout on a BUY signal.