by Esther Adeniyion August 31, 2017May 25, 2018Leave a Comment on How to enjoy intimacy in your long distance relationship
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In my early years, I vowed never to engage in a long distance relationship.
Chai! How much I love to see who I deal with daily and most importantly, I know I am a touchy person. But as fate would have it, boo stays miles away from me. So I’ll be sharing tips of long distance relationships that have been keeping us going.
Basically, I’ll be relating more with my women but definitely they are tips men too can glean from.
My dear lady, you know how much this person loves you and you love them him too. You know how much you long to be with him, how much you want to look deep into his eyes and hear him speak those sweet nonsense into your ears to give you that cold chill down your spines.
Jeez! You definitely want to be close especially when it’s a marriage bound relationship but work isn’t helping as you can’t afford to leave your job for the relationship, you need both.
So let’s see what and what can be done to enjoy intimacy when boo stays far away from you:
Many times, they’d share what’s going on with them with you. Be a part of their day. Make it a point of duty to answer their calls, call them too, ask what’s happening with them. Communication is important in every relationship, and is tricky as well. It could be more complicated when you’re miles apart. But try taking out time for each other every day. Have video chats whenever it’s possible. Send photos every now and then.
Try seeing each other as often as possible. This might be difficult considering your work, routines and other commitments. But you have to prioritize your commitment to your relationship as well. So take out whatever time you can and visit them. It’s a good thing to plan ahead but a little surprise every now and then will be welcomed too.
You could set up calls where you watch the same movies, or games or shows. If you’re both gaming fans, you could play together online. If you’re going someplace new, you could have them on a video call and show them too. Did I hear you complain of heavy data usage? ?, my dear, priority would have to fall on you ó.Long distance relationships: proven ways to make it work
Not being physically intimate most of the time shouldn’t keep you from fantasising. You could imagine all sorts of things you’d like to do with them, and maybe even talk about it with them.
Who doesn’t love presents! (Especially if they are exactly what you want) It’s even better if the present signifies something. Surprise them with something they vaguely mentioned they would want.
Just because they are friends with people from the opposite doesn’t mean you should feel insecure. Don’t let jealousy get the better of you. Trust them completely. You wouldn’t want them doubting you in this regard, so extend them the same courtesy.
This doesn’t have to do with long distance relationship alone, but I know you need to know that what your partner does to or against you while you aren’t there isn’t with the intention to hurt you. Know that they have your interest at heart and love you too much to hurt you. So sometimes when they do things that aren’t in line with what you expect of them, it’s not because they’d want to hurt you intentionally.
When you live out your long distance relationship in this light, you’d enjoy bliss and won’t even know they aren’t close by as you will have to carry them in your heart everyday.
Some times, you may have to have a routine, if you aren’t like me who doesn’t like doing the same thing all the times. You could have a routine where you both know what to do per time.
I wish you a blissful time with your partner.Photo credit: Idiva
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