by Esther Adeniyion July 6, 2019October 9, 201912 Comments on What to do every morning to jump start your brain
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If you have not read my post on how waking up at 5 AM entirely changed my life and turned it around for good, you might want to stop by at that post just before you continue with this one.
You see, waking up that early is not everything at the end of the day. What you do with that precious time of the day is. What is the first set of things you do as soon as you open your eyes into the new day?
A lot of people are talking about morning routines every now and then and while this is such a good way to motivate people to do better, be better, we are missing out one very important thing.
I watched this video on YouTube and I must say that I am not only compelled internally to share, I feel that it is my responsibility to share. I am not going to say what it is that would help you jump start your brain, I want you to hear it by yourself in the video.
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I am sincerely hoping that by listening and watching, something changes in your life and you begin to approach your mornings differently. Starting the day right with so much enthusiasm and passion begins from what we do right from the moment we wake up.
Watch below, Jim Kwik’s video on Be Inspired.
I would love us to write things that we have gained from this video and our action plans going forward in the comments section. For me, it is to deliberately switch off the blue light on my phone (I didn’t even know its purpose and the reason why it is significant until now) and not even pick it up at all until I am done with the proper morning routine required to help me jump start my day into productivity.
P.S – How to banish morning fatigue
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Tags:morning routinemorning routine to inspire creativity and increase productivitywhat to do every morning to jump start your brain