by Esther Adeniyion January 20, 2019March 5, 2019Leave a Comment on Why your company/brand needs a blog
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I recently designed an ecommerce blog for a predominantly Nigerian footwear brand on Instagram and I gladly installed a blog on request. That felt so good.
Usually, you would have to convince brands like these that they need a blog and that having a catalogue of their products on a site isn’t the end of the goal yet. This was on request, so it took me zero speech to ask that a blog be opened.
If you work with a company that has online presence, whatever it is, Instagram, Facebook, a Website or you own a brand (on Instagram especially), no matter how big or small it is, it is very important that a blog be installed.
I am going to in the next couple of paragraphs prove and show you why you your company/brand (large or small) needs a blog immediately.
I understand how appealing it is to host products on social media or leave your company’s ecommerce website running with all the digital marketing strategies you have except for a blog. I mean, you would have to write content on the blog anyway, you don’t want to do that.
Here are solid reasons your company or brand should open a blog now. This is not even about just opening the blog, you have to be quite serious about it.
1. Demand generation
Let’s say your products are not what the average person would go for ordinarily, a good blog post can spark an interest and get them to question why they do not have you in their lives in the first place.
Whatever sales funnel you use, trust me, interest and demand for your product and/or service is the very first step you want to target. This is especially important for brands who are not dealing with essential daily commodities.
It is more essential for brands who are into luxury products. A blog would have a solid content plan that is capable of convincing your ideal customer.
Opening this blog is the first stage. To achieve demand generation, you have to work around a solid content plan. This will sustain interest and help you achieve your goals as a digital sales man.
Invariably, we are saying here that a blog for your company or brand is a very useful tool to help attract new, potential customers.
2. Build relationship with existing customers
If you are going to nurture the people you have in your yard, you might want to keep them updated, informed, entertained and generally in the loop.
You say, we can do all of this with email marketing but I tell you, having to network with who you have in your radar on your blog proves to be much more of value than emails.
With your blog, you can get them to interact so that others can see what they have to say to/about you. Interactions happen in just one hub.
If you are up for it, with a blog, you can write posts to help them understand your offering much better and inform them of the latest trends in the industry.
3. Increased conversions
Come to think of it, with a blog you can make your visitors, first time or repeat visitors do anything. You can get them to subscribe to the blog itself, subscribe to an email list, follow you on social media but most of all, buy what you have to sell.
A blog affords you the opportunity to convince and persuade. Depending on how good you are at the craft of writing, you can get them to actually visit your sales landing pages all because they read your blog posts.
With thoroughly written and compelling blog articles, people are more likely to spend more time on your site and eventually take action, the greatest of which is buying your offering.
4. Blogs are instrumental in your SEO strategy
If you have decided on being on the side of search engines, you cannot just stay on your website. There’s so little you can achieve with your website or online shop.
You do not have the flexibility of optimizing content thoroughly as you may even run the risk of keyword stuffing.
With a blog installed on your website, you can do a good keyword research, deploy your on-site SEO strategies and write powerful blog posts that are so good they cause you to acquire natural backlinks.
With a sales/result landing page, there’s so little you can do because the content on that page is stiffer than what you can achieve with a blog.
Also, a blog with useful content can help to keep a customer on your site for longer. These visitors are also likely to click on more pages (blog posts or sales pages). Bear in mind that this happens when you have compelling blog posts in the first place.
With an increased time on site and lower bounce rates, you can eventually push your rankings up because they are good signals and ranking factors.
Your overall website or ecommerce blog is going to benefit and gain search engine relevance all because of your blog.
5. Build authority faster
What better way to show people that you are good at something than tell them what they need to know about it? If you are going to dominate your industry and outshine your competition, you will have to convince your potential customers that you are the best.
Of course you can do that with Instagram updates and Facebook posts but these platforms are not flexible. You want a platform on which you can write, insert as many pictures as you want and where you want them, link to more authoritative articles, insert infographics, embed videos etc.
With a blog you can prove how much more relevant you are to your customers than the next guy. If you write detailed, well explanatory, solid blog posts you can build authority in your industry.
With authority comes trust. If the pack of the people who are interested in your product or service see you as a thought leader who knows his onions, they are going to trust your opinions enough to stick with you and also refer you to other people.
6. A blog tells your company/brand story better
The look, feel, content of your blog all work together to convey a certain kind of information and invoke a type of feeling.
The colours you pick and the stories you tell (is) a good way to draw your visitors in. If you are going to portray your company in a certain light, a good blog can do it for you.
Social media, email marketing and the rest are not bad but they do not serve as a hub. You should have a blog from which other digital marketing strategies branch from. Your hub is where you summarize your brand’s story.
7. You can make extra income
I was able to see the total Google AdSense income of a site the other day and it was just a little short of $2000 monthly. This revenue is solely from the blog!
They wouldn’t put Google AdSense on their product pages anyway. Now, this is the income they have from just one blog monetization strategy.
Talk about sponsored posts, direct advertisements, affiliate links etc. I must warn you, however, this does not happen in one day. You should note that it takes some time and a much more holistic strategy to get that to work.
The fastest way to begin to reap from blogging financially is if you are meeting a need not too many other people are meeting. Say for example, you are a professional masseuse, you can write good articles people are not likely to stumble anywhere else that easily.
This can cause a viral effect : blog post shares, more backlinks, dominance, authority and trust. This will in turn cause more blog traffic. With an authoritative and well-visited blog, monetization prospects are endless!
8. Fresh, new ideas
A blog forces you to think. You don’t want to give your readers, customers or subscribers the same thing over and over again.
Guess what happens when you are stretched out of your comfort zone as an organization or a one-man business owner? Ideas are birthed. There’s a fresh new innovation.
With a blog, you might want to interview industry leaders, this is a great way to bring something fresh to the table.
Your latest product design may be as a result of someone you had to meet, to speak to, to make a blog post work. Your mind is widened in horizon if you have to feed it to create beautiful content.
9. Your company/brand blog helps you put things in perspective
With a blog, you can openly define your audience. Say for instance, you rent out properties to only students, you can tailor your posts to include everything the modern student needs to survive and thrive.
Because of the nature of your blog posts, students can get very much confident in your real estate agency services. With a blog, you become more confident in your brand too.
You are confident in that you are offering value. You are confident in that you have an organized structure, in that you have built something that means a lot to your industry and your brand.
Building a blog is a beautiful process and it does a lot in putting so many things in perspective.
10. A blog has a good ROI
The benefits that spring forth from having a blog far outweighs the investment you put into building and designing a blog.
A blog is currently the cheapest and easiest means to achieve so many of the things you want your brand to achieve online.
Think of all of the benefits listed above; demand generation, good overall SEO, increased conversions (the sweetest spot being purchasing your service or product), extra income etc.
11. Better customer insights
Because you have a blog now, you can install Google Analytics. With Google Analytics, you have better metrics to measure how your customers behave and respond to the different kind of content you put up on your blog.
Instagram insights are not enough for a fast growing brand. Website analytics are not enough. You want to go into the minds of your ideal customers.
What pages are they bouncing off from, how long do they spend on a certain kind of content and why? What pages do they share the most? What keywords are people typing into Google to land on a certain URL? You can know this one with Google search console.
This metrics are going to be useful in designing your core products. With it, you can do better product management, put some tweaks to your exisiting services and understand more things that should be in place.
If you would like to have a stunning blog design for your brand, ecommerce company etc, I can create something exceptional and extremely functional. Shoot me an email –
You don’t have to do all the work, I have a team of content writers who have a knack for compelling, action provoking content. Blog management can be off your hands if you don’t have the time.
If you need a step by step tutorial on how to start the blog, here is the ultimate checklist. It is a thorough guide to help you open a WordPress blog all by yourself from start to finish.
If you would also like to receive notifications on new blog posts on blogging and so many other blogging resources and goodies, you can subscribe to my blogging email list below.
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Be sure to share this goodness with your friends who have brands on Instagram or your company with its own online presence.
Featured Photo Credit : Xcellimark
Check out this tutorial on how to start a blog all by yourself.
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Tags:authoritybrandbusiness blogCompanycorporate blogecommerce blog