Group 10
Alannah Woodward
Tammy Lee
Elias Heffan
Hajra Mobashar
- (New User) Login -> Sign Up User -> Create profile -> Add profile photo -> Create Profile -> User profile -> Home -> Messages
- (Old User) Login -> Home -> Messages
For errors: just have error labels hidden on the screen
- LoginView
- SignupView
- ProfileSetupView
- HomeView
- ProfileView
- ProfileEditView
- MatchesView
- ConversationView (Likely to be taken care of by MessageKit)
- OtherUserProfileView
- MessageKit provides the
, andMessagesDataSource
protocols which we will override the default implementations of
Note: Will consider more protocols and delegates later
- Firebase, MessageKit (used for messaging UI)
- Firebase
Class Api {
createProfile(profile: Profile)
getProfile(): Profile
updateProfile(profile: Profile)
getPotentialMatch(): Profile
class Profile {
picture: UIImage
name: String
breed: String
size: String
bio: String
traits: [String]
characteristics: [String]
Note: The number of people assigned to each task is a rough estimate; we’ll change the number of people as we see how fast each task takes.
- Elias will finish planning prototypes for API functions, including DogAPI stubs.
- Alannah and Hajra will work on building the views, both the aesthetic part and the ViewController logic. Priority on Login, Signup, ProfileSetup View, and HomeView.
- As they need information from the database or need to store information in the database, they can call the API function prototypes, even though they won’t do anything yet.
- It should basically be exactly how the finished product will be, except it won’t yet be functional because the API calls won’t work yet.
- Elias and Tammy will work on starting the Firebase setup
- Research how databases and rules work in Firebase.
- Have a meeting to figure out how we’ll structure the database, and the high-level rules.
- Implement the rules and structure of the database.
- Divide up who will work on each of the API functions, and begin implementing some of them, prioritizing the profile-related functions.
- 2 people will finish working on aesthetics and View Controller logic. Specifically Messages View set up, and any finishing touches we need.
- 2 people will work on implementing API functions related to matches and messages.
- For anyone who finishes early:
- 1 person can write the DogAPI functions implementation
- 1 person can write survey for testing our app (in addition to another responsibility above)
- 1 person can figure out how to use TestFlight
- 1 person can discuss space storage with mentor/Sam/Gary since it might become a problem.
- Finishing touches and fine-tuning flows in the app.
- Get user feedback on app through survey and testing
- Google form survey. Some possible questions we could ask:
- How easy was it to sign up?
- How responsive was the app? Was it fast enough?
- How easy was it to navigate around our app?
- How responsive/smooth is swiping?
- How well did the app predict your dog breed?
- Would you recommend this app to a friend?
- General rating out of 5 stars
- Each team member try to get at least 5 responses for acquaintances
- Time how long it takes for someone to get from the login screen to the HomeView as a new user.