This repository will outline the required steps to integrate Gitlab and Icinga2 for configuration managment.
This is a useful option for either a small or large Icinga2 installation as managing hosts or templates though Gitlab is an easy way to manage changes to files, delegate changes, revert back changes, etc.
For now, I am focusing on the integration with Gitlab and the Gitlab runner with Docker, however this may apply to other Git platforms.
Also, I am not going to go into the installation of Icinga2, Gitlab or the Gitlab runner, there is plenty of documentation out there on how to install these products.
If you feel you can help improve this setup, please feel free to submit an issue or a pull request with your suggestions.
Some things I'd like to improve:
Pull less files from apt repositories when jobs run (maybe a custom docker image?)- Done! This makes verifying and deploying a lot faster 😃
- Note: you can still use the debian image .gitlab-ci.yml if you prefer:
- Done! This makes verifying and deploying a lot faster 😃
- Improve on the script that runs on the Icinga2 server for better error checking
- Add Icingaweb2 screenshots to show what is happening
- Find a way to push config changes to Icinga2 running on Windows - might need some help here!
- Look at uploading configuration to Icinga2 via API and configuration packages
- Icinga2 server on Linux -
- Gitlab server -
- Docker -
- Gitlab runner -
- Access to a Linux CLI
On your Gitlab installation, create a Project that will contain your Icinga2 configuration files.
- Note: You can create directories if you'd to make it easier to track your files, such as a directory for servers, routers, templates, etc. Icinga2 will parse through directories and load all *.conf files
Once you have created your Project to host your Icinga2 configuration files, create your first config file.
- Note: If you already have a directory on your Icinga2 server and you want to load all the files into Gitlab into the new project, follow the instructions in the new Project under the 'Existing Foler' section
For our first test, we will create server1.conf and have it ping localhost/
object Host "server1" {
import "generic-host"
address = ""
- Note: In this example we created a simple .conf file for a host, however your conf files may contain any type of object that Icinga2 supports
We are also going to create a script that will reside on the Icinga2 server and will be called by Gitlab via SSH to pull any updates and reload the configuration. If the script detects that no .conf files were modified, Icinga2 will not be reloaded.
Follow the same steps as above to create another file named residing in the root directory of your project.
cd /etc/icinga2/conf.d/private
export GIT_OUTPUT=`git pull`
if [[ $GIT_OUTPUT = *".conf"* ]]; then
echo "Changes made, reloading Icinga2"
systemctl reload icinga2
echo "No changes made, NOT reloading Icinga2"
- Note: You may choose a different directory that I have specified (/etc/icinga2/conf.d/private), please make sure to set it to the directory where you want to store your Icinga2 config files. Also, depending on your installation, if you're not running as 'root', you may need to add a 'sudo' command before the 'systemctl reload icinga2'
Now that we have created our Project and our first configuration file, we need to clone our project
- How to clone project:
cd /etc/icinga2/conf.d
mkdir private
cd private
git clone git@<git server>:<gitlab username>/icinga2-configuration.git .
Now that the files are cloned, go ahead and reload Icinga2 and you should see the server we created through Gitlab in the Icingaweb2 interface.
systemctl reload icinga2
AFAIK, there is no easy way though the Gitlab GUI to change files to executable, so we need to fix the permissons on the '' script and then upload it back to the Gitlab server.
cd /etc/icinga2/conf.d/private
chmod a+x
git add .
git commit -m "Change permissions on to executable"
git push -u origin master
- Instructions here too:
At this point we need to generate some SSH keys so that the Docker instance that will run in the Gitlab runner can push the config to the Icinga2 server.
Drop to a linux cli and execute the following making sure to specify the file '/tmp/gitlab-icinga2-ssh' where we want the keys we generate to be generated.
root@localhost:~# ssh-keygen
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/root/.ssh/id_rsa): /tmp/gitlab-icinga2-ssh
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in /tmp/gitlab-icinga2-ssh.
Your public key has been saved in /tmp/
The key fingerprint is:
SHA256:ombFx51e0vLUOQJuvHx1od7G+1+ZDPEi5nUWcULD1Wg root@02c9f4707abf
The key's randomart image is:
+---[RSA 2048]----+
| o+++|
| Eo+|
| . o o |
| . . + + .+.o|
| + S Oo===+.|
| o o +oB+oOoo|
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| o . . o|
| .=|
Now that we have the public and private keys generated, we need to put them in the right place.
To deploy the public key to our production Icinga2 server, look at your file and copy the contents to clipboard:
- Note, please generate your own keys, do not use these example keys!!!
root@localhost:~# cat /tmp/
ssh-rsa <ssh public key> root@localhost
It should look like this:
root@localhost:~# cat /tmp/
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDMPFp66Hk4txKZHOZ97sYyuhqYKfzork6uZdBiJ7VEkDQxqR3xHz8Qz67Z19je/oVCPxEKajdQfcm8a0CWXstfnDa2zO4pqfj7Y3LRDW15fmqdNCa6/I0K0XMX8tsUgFgnwsn+O4jn/8p/fq815pWiGWRIPaOYfX8CtXZerq32QujonWFJYhwjYYK9PUYnWg9T/7miMNcjK6/i/l8r/5tD3TIp6yyZgiwEJtiETh9zvDKLPTkjPSnyc+Gtb9kumZ1kiZOX84iOS/EsVQkgMtKsAGNGD6+oCK1cbXikW9VEOm0pwxTYb0ySr/KNlGeJge5gj2kYDNJJ+cmGN0+MHbAf root@localhost
Now we are ready to deploy the public key on your Icinga2 server:
root@icinga2-prod:~# mkdir /root/.ssh
root@icinga2-prod:~# echo "ssh-rsa <ssh public key> root@localhost" >> /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
It should look like this:
root@icinga2-prod:~# mkdir /root/.ssh
root@icinga2-prod:~# echo "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDMPFp66Hk4txKZHOZ97sYyuhqYKfzork6uZdBiJ7VEkDQxqR3xHz8Qz67Z19je/oVCPxEKajdQfcm8a0CWXstfnDa2zO4pqfj7Y3LRDW15fmqdNCa6/I0K0XMX8tsUgFgnwsn+O4jn/8p/fq815pWiGWRIPaOYfX8CtXZerq32QujonWFJYhwjYYK9PUYnWg9T/7miMNcjK6/i/l8r/5tD3TIp6yyZgiwEJtiETh9zvDKLPTkjPSnyc+Gtb9kumZ1kiZOX84iOS/EsVQkgMtKsAGNGD6+oCK1cbXikW9VEOm0pwxTYb0ySr/KNlGeJge5gj2kYDNJJ+cmGN0+MHbAf root@localhost" >> /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
Now we need to copy over the private key to put into our Gitlab project:
- Note: Again, PLEASE generate your own keys, do not use these example keys!!!
root@localhost:~# cat /tmp/gitlab-icinga2-ssh
Copy this YOUR private key to your clipboard and go back to your Gitlab project.
Now that we have the private key, we need to add it into our project as a 'variable'.
In your project, go to:
- Settings -> CI / CD
- Expand Secret variables
Enter in the following variables:
SSH_PRIVATE_KEY - Paste in the private key
SSH_USER - Username we will use to login to the Icinga2 server (usually 'root')
ICINGA_SERVER - The IP/DNS Name of your Icinga2 server
ICINGA_CONFIG_DIR - The directory where your Icinga2 config lives as well as the '' script
Note: The order that you put the variables in does not matter.
Once you have put them all in, click on 'Hide values' and then on 'Save variables'.
We are now ready to provide our project with the '.gitlab-ci.yml' file. This file will tell Gitlab what to do when we make commits to our project.
- Read more here:
As we did before when we created our first server, create a new file and name it '.gitlab-ci.yml' (yes, with a leading 'dot .').
- test
- deploy
Test Icinga2 Config:
image: mzac23/icinga2-check-config
stage: test
# check if variables are set in gitlab project
- if [ -z "$SSH_PRIVATE_KEY" ]; then exit 1; fi
- if [ -z "$SSH_USER" ]; then exit 1; fi
- if [ -z "$ICINGA_SERVER" ]; then exit 1; fi
- if [ -z "$ICINGA_CONFIG_DIR" ]; then exit 1; fi
# Copy config from Gitlab to Icinga2 test dir
- mkdir /etc/icinga2/conf.d/test-config
- cp -a -R * /etc/icinga2/conf.d/test-config
# Verify Icinga2 config
- icinga2 daemon -C
Deploy to Icinga2 Production:
image: mzac23/icinga2-push-config
stage: deploy
# Setup ssh key
- mkdir -p ~/.ssh
- echo "$SSH_PRIVATE_KEY" | tr -d '\r' > ~/.ssh/id_rsa
- chmod 700 ~/.ssh/id_rsa
- eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
- ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa
- ssh-keyscan -H $ICINGA_SERVER >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts
# Copy Icinga2 config to prod server
# Only push changes to prod server on the master branch
- master
- Note: This setup uses two custom Docker images, but you can still use the debian image .gitlab-ci.yml if you prefer:
As soon as you save this file, your Gitlab will start to run this job. Under the CI / CD -> Jobs menu, you should see something happening:
If something goes wrong, the job might fail:
If you click ont the 'Passed' for 'Failed' box you will see a terminal that will explain what worked or what went wrong.
Here are examples of the 'Passed' jobs for the 'Test' and 'Deploy' stages:
Here is an example of a 'Failed' job for the 'Test' stage. When this stage fails, the process stops and nothing gets deployed to the Icinga2 server. For this example, a configuration file was created with invalid data:
Now that our job has run, any new .conf files that we add through Gitlab will be automatially verified and checked for configuration errors. Once verifications are done, they are pushed to our production Icinga2 server and the server is reloaded with the new config.