Automatically embedding pixel art in QR-codes.
←example output
- sudo apt install python3-dev python3-setuptools python3-pip libzbar0 libzbar-dev
- pip3 install -r requirements.txt
usage: ./ input.png "encoded message"
output: one or multiple output.png
input format: pixel art as small black and white binary image (no grayscales)
- Use transparent pixels where you don't care (outside the motive if it has non-rectangular borders). It will then occupy less data modules (QR-code pixels) and the resulting QR-code will be smaller.
- Drawing a white border around black motives will improve visibility, because it keeps black data modules away.
- The tool may often generate QR-codes that are not strictly valid according to specifications but can nevertheless be read by most QR-code readers.
- Pillow
- PyQRCode
- zbarlight
- pypng