— Linux/macOS random MAC-address changer with vendor choices and automatic backups original address.
Use own MAC address Use -m --mac option. Example usage:
sudo ./mac_changer -i en0 -m 02:00:00:8a:09:ca
Generage random MAC address
The Default vendor for generating MAC is xen, because it's safety. Example usage:
sudo ./mac_changer -i en0
Generage random MAC address with vendor If you want to generate MAC-address with needed vendor, just use option -v --vendor.
Supported vendors: xen, huawei, cisco, samsung, google, juniper, dell, broadcom, tplink, hp, indel, dlink, zte, nokia, netgear, microsoft, xiaomi, apple Example usage:
sudo ./ -i en0 -v apple
[+] Interface seems good: en0
[+] Random MAC address for this case: [apple] D4:61:9D:dc:70:5d
[+] Backup: en0: 02:00:00:8a:09:ca -> D4:61:9D:dc:70:5d write in backup.txt
[+] Changing MAC from 02:00:00:8a:09:ca ->
D4:61:9D:dc:70:5d successful.
To do:
- Windows support
- Quiet mode