WDFK is a tool that contains some wifi attack with differents thematics, the first option did was the function that motivated me to do this program, later i was developed the other functions.
- improved performance.
If you want install the REQUERIMENTS execute install_requeriments.sh or install the following programs manually.
- iwlist
- mdk4
- xterm
- macchanger
- aircrack-ng suite
$ sudo chmod +x install_requeriments.sh
$ sudo ./install_requeriments.sh
$ sudo chmod +x WDFK.sh
$ sudo ./WDFK.sh
And use the option that do you want :)
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ED. Et
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.DL E#t t##L E#tfL. E#t j#K;
f. :K#L LWLE#t .E#K, E#t E#GK#f
EW: ;W##L .E#f E#t j##f ,ffW#Dffj. E##D.
E#t t#KE#L ,W#; E#t :E#K: ;LW#ELLLf. E##Wi
E#t f#D.L#L t#K: E#t t##L E#t E#jL#D:
E#jG#f L#LL#G E#t .D#W; E#t E#t ,K#j
E###; L###j E#tiW#G. E#t E#t jD
E#K: L#W; E#K##i E#t j#t
EG LE. E##D. E#t ,;
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L: :;
Made by SN0KI and N0OBIT4
Choose an option
1-Default Password, Internet Movil * XXXX.
2-Wireless Deauth.
3-MAC spoof.