The Coffee Machine Reservation System (CMRS) was developed for the Gold Coast Coffee School (the client), a barista training organisation. The system’s aim is to improve the efficiency of training baristas. According to the client, the commercial espresso machines used for training need a 20-minute pre-heating to be available for the barista students. Therefore, the students need to go to the training venue early to pre-heat the machine. In addition, sometimes the students would also find the machines are all occupied when they arrive at the venue.
To solve the problems, the CMRS allows barista students to reserve and turn on a coffee machine remotely by controlling the Internet of Things (IoT) sockets where the coffee machines are plugged in. Moreover, it also allows barista students to check the occupation status of the machines. The deliverables of this project would include the CMRS server implementation, a mobile app for barista students and coffee school staff, ESP8266-based IoT sockets for coffee machines, and the user manual.
This project was also to fulfil the requirements of ISY10221(2019S2) and ISY10222(2020S1) courses. These courses were the final year project courses for the Bachelor of Information Technology at Southern Cross University. The Assessment Grades of both courses are High Distinction (HD).
Jiaqi Men, Hao Sun, Jing Yang, and Junyao Zhao
Xiangzhu Gao and Elizabeth Yuwono