///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ofxKinectMeshRecorder /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
OpenFrameworks App by welovecode
This is a simple app that records/playbacks the Kinect point cloud into/from a serie of txt files.
It also includes a Blender script that creates an animated Mesh inside blender from those txt files very useful for 3d/video post production. From Blender you can export the animation into a sequence of ".obj" files and use it in other 3d programs or After Effects.
Please remember this is a limited first version we developed for internal work in a project.
welovecode hola@welovecode.net
Moullinex / Catalina music video Source code and workflow on the same process but using Kinect + Processing + Cinema 4D + After Effects. http://moullinex.tumblr.com/post/3180520798/catalina-music-video
kinectToTexturedOBJ class to save the data from the kinect as a textured OBJ file. https://github.com/roymacdonald/kinectToTexturedOBJ
OF version: 0.71
- ofxKinect openFrameworks wrapper for the xbox kinect https://github.com/ofTheo/ofxKinect
15-06-12: First version with Blender import scripts.