Yet another Docker GC but unlike others :
- Written in Go and uses the
to talk straight to API (rather than shelling out) - Actually have tests
- Supports manual cleanups in addition to ttl runs
- Supports reporting errors to Bugsnag
- Supports sending metrics to dogstatsd
You can compile the binary by doing script/setup
and script/compile
. Golang 1.5+ and Git 1.7+ is needed
docker-gc -command=containers|images|all|emergency [-images_ttl=<DURATION>) [-containers_ttl=<DURATION>]
-command=all cleans all images and containes respecting keep_last values
-command=emergency same as all, but with 0second keep_last values
docker-gc -command=ttl [-interval=<INTERVAL_IN_SECONDS>] [-images_ttl=<DURATION>] [-containers_ttl=<DURATION>] for continuous cleanup based on image/container TTL
docker-gc -command=diskspace [-interval=<INTERVAL_IN_SECONDS>] [-high_disk_space_threshold=<PERCENTAGE>] [-low_disk_space_threshold=<PERCENTAGE>] [-containers_ttl=<DURATION>] for continuous cleanup based on used disk space
You can also specify -bugsnag-key="key" to use bugsnag integration
and [-statsd_address=<>] and [statsd_namespace=<>] for statsd integration
has two main modes; continuous cleanup and one-time cleanup.
One-time cleanup can be in four ways (as -command=COMMAND
- emergency : clean all containers and images
- all : clean all containers and images but respect
values - images/containers : clean only images or only containers respecting
eg. docker-gc -command=all -images_ttl=5m -containers_ttl=1m
would do a one time cleanup of images older than 5minutes and containers older than 1minutes
Default values are:
= ttlimages_ttl
= 10 hourscontainers_ttl
= 1minutes
has two ttl modes; TTL based and free disk space based. This means the daemon keeps running and does swipes per interval
Default value for interval
is 60 seconds.
eg docker-gc -command=ttl -interval=5m
Same TTL settings for containers and images apply than for One-time cleanup
eg docker-gc -command=diskspace -interval=5m -high_disk_space_threshold=85 -low_disk_space_threshold=50
Monitors the disk volume used by Docker and if used inodes/disk space hits the high_disk_space_threshold
threshold starts cleaning up images in batches of 10
until low_disk_space_threshold
is reached.
NOTICE1: for containers we cleanup based on the containers_ttl
per `interval because in majority of usecases it makes more senses than looping in batches.
NOTICE2: The amount in batch might be more than 10 if theres multiple images created at same exact moment (accuracy based on UNIX timestamp)
Development can be done on both OSX and Linux. Tests can be run without Docker, but anykind of manual testing requires your user to have rights to unix:///var/run/docker.sock
(eg. be in docker
Setup your environment by doing script/setup
. Tests can be run with script/test
and running the current version with script/run
(compile+run+test mode env)