A website to show off my collection of different octocatz, organized by index in the Octodex. It can be found at tiny.cc/octocatz
- #2 Class Act
- #6 Benevocats
- #14 Bouncer
- #15 Octonaut
- #18 Hubot
- #24 Inspectocat
- #32 Collabocats
- #34 Cherryontop-o-cat
- #44 Bear Cavalry
- #49 Oktobercat
- #54 Father Timeout
- #55 Grim Repo
- #56 Octocat De Los Muertos
- #57 Baracktocat
- #67 Dojocat
- #71 Codercat
- #73 Snow Octocat
- #75 Momtocat
- #94 Robotocat
- #96 Professortocat
- #97 Kimonotocat
- #98 Mardigrastocat
- #100 Founding Father v2
- #103 Femalecodertocat
- #104 OctoLiberty
- #106 Labtocat
- #114 Saritocat
- #115 Luchadortocat
- #116 Saketocat
- #117 Mountietocat
- #118 Minertocat
- #119 Jetpacktocat
- #121 Gracehoppertocat
$ sh minify.sh
# img/100-FoundingFatherv2.jpg 1250x833 24bit N Exif XMP IPTC ICC Adobe [OK] 265277 --> 263370 bytes (0.72%), optimized.
# img/103-Femalecodertocat.jpg 1250x833 24bit N Exif XMP IPTC ICC Adobe [OK] 236715 --> 233595 bytes (1.32%), optimized.
# img/104-OctoLiberty.jpg 1250x833 24bit N Exif XMP IPTC ICC Adobe [OK] 229256 --> 227802 bytes (0.63%), optimized.