This library lets you easily interface RaspberryPi with Nordic Semiconductor Thingy52. It is heavily based on Thingy52 example from bluepy library but this one is made as a separate package. Package is still in beta testing phase, so use it on your own risk.
Library supports several different measurements from the Thingy52:
- Temperature
- Humidity
- Pressure
- Gas (Air Quality)
- Color
- Button
- Tap
- Orientation
- Quaternion
- Step counter
- Raw accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer data
- Euler
- Rotation matrix
- Heading
- Gravity
- Speaker status
- Microphone
To use this library you will need a Bluetooth Low Energy dongle attached to your computer and Nordic Semiconductor Thingy52 kit. Library also require bluepy library to be installed. Library is compatible with both Python 2.x and 3.x versions.
To install pythingy library you need to clone repository and run pip installer:
git clone
cd pythingy
pip install bluepy
pip install .
To scan for your Thingy52 devices run following command:
sudo hcitool lescan
To connect to your Thingy52 run with one or more arguments to enable coresponding notifications:
sudo python [arguments] XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
positional arguments:
mac_address MAC address of BLE peripheral
optional arguments:
-t T time between polling
ThingyDelgate is an example for parsing and handling data. You can define your own delegate using following structure. Delegate will inherit all extraction functions and you can define your custom notification handler:
class MyThingyDelegate(ThingyDelgate):
def handleNotification(self,hnd,data):
Thingy52 hungs when raw motion data notification is turned on after few minutes.
please have a look at