A powerful Discord nuke bot written in Go
Big thanks to morg
for code improvements
There's many variables such as
{ BOT_TOKEN: bot's token BOT_OWNER_ID: your id MASS_BAN: true or false WEBHOOK_URL: Webhook's URL AVATAR_URL: avatar url for webhook PREFERRED_LOCALE: check list of locales CHANNEL_NAME: name of the channel SERVER_NAME: name of the server ROLE_NAME: name of the role EMBED_TITLE: Embed's title EMBED_DESCRIPTION: Embed's description }
All variables have a string data type. Only the MASS_BAN variable has two possible values - true and false. Write them with a lowercase letter.
All bot's functions are in core folder
main.go - starts the bot and ConnectAll handler from connector.go
connector.go - runs bot commands from commands folder
This file is located in src/core/requests and helps to send http requests to Discord API easily
This file is located in src/core/requests and helps to avoid rate-limits
This function is responsible for creating a nuke queue on the server
The main command (.start) starts the nuking process. .leave is for leave the server immediately. .ban_all is for ban everyone from the server. .overcharge is for leave every server immediately. It works if your ID is the value of BOT_OWNER_ID variable. In other cases it will not work. .bypass - use it when Athanatos is located on the server with Security and other anti nuke bots.
1. Clone or download the repository source code 2. Install golang 3. Go to src folder 4. Change values in .env 5. Run go build Athanatos and then ./Athanatos or double-click the executable named Athanatos
Yes, Athanatos can bypass Anti Nuke bots like Security, Wick and other. Use .bypass command for this.
We recommend you to use fl0.com, back4app.com, koyeb.com and render.com. They're free and there you can host Athanatos and other discord bots. More information about other hostings are here
First of all, copy all source code to your private repository. Then create an account on railway.app via github. Use Dockerfile for quick deployment. Railway.app is one of the best free hosting provider, where you don't need to add http server to your bot for 100% uptime.
# For deployment on railway.app FROM golang:latest WORKDIR / COPY . . RUN go build Athanatos CMD [ "./Athanatos" ]
# For deployment on render.com and others FROM golang:latest WORKDIR / COPY . . RUN go build Athanatos EXPOSE 8080 CMD [ "./Athanatos" ]
If you want to deploy your fork on render.com, add code snippet bellow to main.go
// imports import ( "fmt" "io" "log" "net/http" "os" "os/signal" "syscall" "time" "github.com/bwmarrin/discordgo" "github.com/joho/godotenv" ) //starts http server func main() { go func() { http.HandleFunc("/", getRoot) err := http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } }() } func getRoot(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { fmt.Printf("got / request\n") io.WriteString(w, "Athanatos is at render.com now.. 🚀\n") }