- Email: admin@admin.com
- Password: Admin@123
- Client: React
- Server: Node, Express
- Database: MongoDB
- React
- React Router DOM
- React Hook Form
- React Query/Tanstack Query
- React Stripe JS (payment system)
- React Custom Hook
- Firebase Authentication
- JWT (JSONWebToken)
- Image hosting api
- Tailwind CSS
- Daisy UI
- Dotenv
- Date fns
- Swiper JS
- React Hot Toast
- Tailwind CSS Animatied
- AOS animation
- React Icon
- Creating/Sign up a user.
- Sign In a user and Signout a user.(user authentication)
- Admin can make other users admin.(Admin Role)
- Admin can delete users (buyer/seller).
- Admin can verify sellers.
- A green tick mark will show besides the verified sellers image.
- Seller can add their product.
- Seller can delete their product.
- Seller can't their own product but they can buy product from other sellers.
- Buyer can book a product.
- After booking a product buyer can pay the price with the integrated payment system.(stripe)
- Secured API's with jwt.
- Users can contact us via contact from.
- Dynamic dashboard with different options for buyer, seller and admin.
- Light and Dark mode throughout the website.