Front-end-tutorials This repository included Front end technology exercises with JavaScript, HTML, CSS, AngularJs
Contain about -
1. Where to import JS file
2. Keywords
3. Variables
4. JsOutputs
5. Arithmetic operations/ Operators
6. DataTypes
1. Strings
2. Numbers
3. Objects
7. DataStructures
1. Array
2. Map
8. Funtions/ MethodEvents
10. JsAsynchronus
1. jsAsynchronous
2. jsCallbacks
3. jsPromises
Technology Used: -
1. JavaScript
2. HTML5
Contain about -
1. components
1. Input
2. dom
3. forms
4. selectBoxes
5. tables
6. Arrays
7. String
8. Numbers
9. Objects
2. controllers
3. directives
1. angualr in-build directives (ng-init, ng-model, ng-controller, ng-app, ng-repeat, data-ng-model)
2. user directives
4. expressions
5. functions
1. events
2. filters
6. modules
1. Adding Controllers
2. Adding Directives
7. resources
8. services
1. http
2. customer service classes
Technology Used:-
1. JavaScript
2. HTML5
3. AngularJs (Angular 1) - angular.min.js
4. CSS3
Contain about -
1. Create react project with javascript
2. Run react application -> you can see browser application
3. HelloWorld application
4. React ES6
1. Classes
2. Arrow Functions
3. Variables (let, const, var)
4. Array Methods like .map()
5. Destructuring
6. Modules
7. Ternary Operator
8. Spread Operator
5. React Render HTML
6. React JSX
7. React Components
1. Class Component
2. Function Component
3. Rendering a Component
4. Props
5. Components in Components
8. React Events
9. React Conditional Rendering
10. React Lists
11. React Forms
12. React Router
Technology Used:-
1. JavaScript
2. HTML5
3. React.js
4. CSS3
Step 1:- Create React App
npx create-react-app reactjs-basic-app
Step 2:- Run the React Application
cd reactjs-basic-app
npm start
Contain about -
1. Create react project with Typescript
2. Run react application -> you can see browser application
3. All above(under React with JS) mentioned sectioned are covered with TS.
4. React Hooks
1. React useState Hook
2. React useEffect Hooks
3. React useContext Hook
4. React useRef Hook
5. React useReducer Hook
6. React useCallback Hook
7. React useMemo Hook
8. React Custom Hooks
5. Add data & Display data
6. Passing Data to a Component
7. Displaying List Data
8. Styles Using CSS
Technology Used:-
1. TypeScript
2. HTML5
3. Reatc.js
4. CSS3
Step 1:- Create React App
npx create-react-app react-with-typescript --template typescript
Step 2:- Run the React Application
cd react-with-typescript
npm start