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160 lines (140 loc) · 3.23 KB

File metadata and controls

160 lines (140 loc) · 3.23 KB


Simple cli tool to save your secret stuff.


Install dependencies

$ npm install


$ node index [options] <action> [name] [config]


Use npm link to create a symlink to run safe from anywhere

Now you can run

$ safe [options]

Use npm unlink to remove symlink


  action                   action you want to perform (choices: "add", "remove", "view", "config", "list", "path", "clear")
  name                     entry name
  config                   config arguments


  -V, --version            output the version number
  -t, --type <type>         (choices: "text", "account", default: "text")
  -f, --file <filename>    used with add to insert a file
  -o, --output <filename>  output entry instead of console log
  -s, --safe <filename>    safe path
  --no-color               no color
  -h, --help               display help for command

Initializing a safe

When you want to perform any action, If there was no safe file it will be created automatically.

Using other than default safe

Use -s, --safe <filename> flag with any action.


$ safe add entry -s path/to/file

$ safe clear --safe path/to/file


# Configure default safe path
$ safe config path path/to/file
#=> password: ********
#=> new default safe path: path/to/file

# View default safe path
$ safe path
#=> password: ********
#=> current path: path/to/file

# Configure default safe password
$ safe config password
#=> password: ********
#=> new password: password1
#=> password changed

# Configure password of other safe
$ safe config password -s path/to/file
#=> password: ********
#=> new password: password2
#=> password changed

Add Entry

Save some text:

$ safe add <entry name>
#=> password: ********
#=> your text: example
#=> entry added successfully

Save an account:

$ safe add <entry name> -t account
#=> password: ********
#=> username/email:
#=> password: *******
#=> entry added successfully

Save a file:

$ safe add <entry name> -f path/to/file
#=> password: ********
#=> entry added successfully

View Entry

$ safe view <entry name>
#=> password: ********
#=> example
$ safe view <entry name>
#=> password: ********
#=> username/email:
#=> password: example

If entry is a non-text file:

$ safe view <entry name>
#=> password: ********
#=> this entry is a file. would you like to export it ? (Y/N): y
#=> entry exported to file

Export entry to file:

$ safe view <entry name> -o entry.txt
#=> password: ********
#=> entry exported to entry.txt

entry.txt :


Entry List

$ safe list
#=> password: ********
#=> entry list:
#=>   - text1
#=>   - account1
#=>   - filebin

Remove Entry

$ safe remove <entry name>
#=> password: ********
#=> are you sure you want to remove "<entry name>" ? (Y/N): y
#=> entry removed successfully

Clear Safe

$ safe clear
#=> password: ********
#=> are you sure you want to clear the safe ? (Y/N): y
#=> safe cleared successfully

Disable Colors and Styling

This package uses chalk for terminal string styling. To disable it, simply use --no-color flag.