Guestbook allowing your users to leave their opinions on your site. This project is carried out using classes in particular to represent users.
A database named “livreor” using phpmyadmin. In this database, a “users” table which contains the following fields:
- id, int, primary key and Auto Increment
- login, varchar of size 255
- password, varchar of size 255
A “comments” table which contains the following fields:
- id, int, primary key and Auto Increment
- comment, text
- user_id, int
- date, datetime
And the different pages:
- A home page that presents the site (index.php)
- A page containing a registration form and a login form. Connection and registration are done asynchronously with JavaScript.
- Validation of forms is done without page reloading (Existing user, unconfirmed password, etc.).
- connect/disconnect asynchrone
- GuestBook and user account