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File metadata and controls

106 lines (66 loc) · 2.87 KB

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Vue.js plugin for generating ICalendar (.ics) files.


npm install vue-ics --save
import Vue from 'vue'
import ICS from 'vue-ics'

Vue.use(ICS, { options })

Global options (optional)

{ uidDomain: string, prodId: string }

uidDomain – Your domain

prodId - Product ID


You can add one or more events.

this.$ics.addEvent(language, subject, description, location, begin, stop, url, organizer, rrule)


language string - Language in format en-us (default)

subject string - Subject/Title of event

description string - Description of event

location string - Location of event

begin string | Date - Beginning date of event. Date must match Date() format.

stop string | Date - Ending date of event. Date must match Date() format. Note: make sure to provide an ending date to display event correctly in a calendar

url string - URL (optional)

organizer object { name: string, email: string }

name – Name of organizer

email – E-mail of organizer

rrule object - Reccurence rule (optional)

Reccurence rule

You can add a recurrence rule for your event. Event will be repeated as often as you want.

const rrule = {
   freq: 'WEEKLY',
   until: until,
   interval: 1


freq string - Required. The frequency of event recurrence. Can be DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY, or YEARLY.

until string | number | Date - A date string representing the date on which to end repetition. Date must match `Date() format.

interval number - The interval of freq to recurr at. For example, if freq is WEEKLY and interval is 2, the event will repeat every 2 weeks

byday array - Which days of the week the event is to occur. An array containing any of SU, MO, TU, WE, TH, FR, SA

Remove all events from the calendar


Get calendar with events as string


Download calendar file


fileName string - name of file without extension (will be *.ics)