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phpipamscanagent is a scanning agent for phpipam server to be deployed to remote servers in docker environment. This is a docker container for the phpIPAM agent, please see for installation on standalone server.

This docker container will run phpIPAM scan agent with update and discover parameters and can be used to setup a scheduled scan of the subnets without installing PHP or any of the php modules on host server.


phpipam is released under the GPL v3 license, see misc/gpl-3.0.txt. This docker container is released under the same license.


  • A running phpIPAM server either in Docker container or standalone server. Visit
  • A valid database username and password of the phpIPAM database.
  • You will need to update the config.php file with your own environment for subnet scanning to work.
  • This docker container includes the required PHP & PHP modules for phpIPAM scan agent to work. You can install additional packages by modifying the dockerfile if you wish to.


  • Update the config.php files with your scanagent key and database parameters. Update the scanagent key obtained from phpIPAM server.

    • $config['key'] = "335bdc3f11b1879e010776f6979c053c";

    Update the database parameters to match your environment

    • $config['db']['host'] = "DBHostname";
    • $config['db']['user'] = "DBUsername";
    • $config['db']['pass'] = "DBPassword";
    • $config['db']['name'] = "phpipam";
    • $config['db']['port'] = 3306;


docker run --rm -v /src/config.php:/ipamscan/config.php najarramsada/phpipamscanagent

--rm will remove the container after it has completed the update and discover of IPs.

To run the this image in bash mode

  • docker run -it -v /src/config.php:/ipamscan/config.php najarramsada/phpipamscanagent bash

To run the this image in detached mode

  • docker run -t -d -v /src/config.php:/ipamscan/config.php najarramsada/phpipamscanagent

Scheduled scans

For scheduled scans set up a crontab to run the container every 15 mins.

  • Update the with the correct location of the config file and setup a crontab on host server.
  • crontab -e
  • */15 * * * * /src/ should have the docker run command


docker run --rm --network=host -v /src/config.php:/ipamscan/config.php najarramsada/phpipamscanagent
