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A continuous integration and build server for Docker containers

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A continuous integration and build server and for docker containers

Roger is a simple yet powerful build server for docker containers: you will only need to specify your configuration and it will build your projects every time you schedule a build or, for example, open a pull request on github.

It is easy to deploy and comes with built-in integration with platforms like Github or the Docker Registry, which means that you can build your private repositories and push them to the Docker Hub or your own private registry out of the box.


Ready to hack?


Create a config.yml file for roger:

  dockerhub: # these credentials are only useful if you need to push to the dockerhub
    username: user # your username on the dockerhub
    email: # your...well, you get it
  github: YOUR_GITHUB_TOKEN # General token to be used to authenticate to clone any project or comment on PRs (

and run roger:

docker run -ti -p 8080:8080 \
-v /tmp/logs:/tmp/roger-builds/logs \
-v $(pwd)/db:/db \
-v /path/to/your/config.yml:/config.yml \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/tmp/docker.sock \

If roger starts correctly, you should see something like:

2015-01-27T17:52:50.827Z - info: using config: {...}}
Roger running on port 8080

and you can open the web interface up on your localhost.

Now, time for our first build: pick a project of yours, on github, and add a build.yml file in the root of the repo:

redis: # this is the name of your project
  registry: # your private registry, ie.

then visit http://localhost:8080/api/build?repo=URL_OF_YOUR_REPO (ie. localhost:8080/api/build?repo= and you should receive a confirmation that the build has been scheduled:


Now open the web interface, your docker build is running!


Protip: if you do a docker-compose up in the root of roger, the dev environment for roger, including a local registry, starts on its own: you might want to use this if you are playing with Roger for the first time and you don't have a registry available at

Configuration reference

Project configuration

In your repos, you can specify a few different configuration options, for example:

redis: # name of the project, will be the name of the image as well
  registry: # url of the registry to which we're gonna push

Want to push to the dockerhub?

redis: # if you don't specify the registry, we'll assume you want to push to a local registry at
  registry:     dockerhub

Want to publish assets to S3? Run tests? Here's a full overview of what roger can do with your project:

  dockerfilePath: some/subdir # location of the dockerfile, omit this if it's in the root of the repo
  revfile:        somedir # means roger will create a rev.txt file with informations about the build at this path
  after-build: # hooks to execute after an image is built, before pushing it to the registry, ie. tests
    - ls -la
    - npm test
    - github
    - emailSes
    - slack
      to: s3
      copy: /src/build/public/ # this is the path inside the container
      bucket: my-bucket # name of the s3 bucket
      bucketPath: initial-path # the initial path, ie. s3://my-bucket/initial-path
      command: gulp build # optional: a command to run right before publishing (you might wanna build stuff here)

Want to build 2 projects from the same repo?

  dockerfilePath: src
  dockerfilePath: server/src

Branch and tag filtering

Want to only build from specific branches or tags? Builds that are started automatically by a webhook (see build hooks below), can be filtered, based on the name of the branch or tag sent by the webhook. Webhooks that don't match the rules will not cause a build to be scheduled.

Matching rules can be configured with one or more of the following properties:

  • branches: An array of branch names that should be built
  • patterns: An array of JavaScript-compatible regular expressions for matching branch and tag names to be built
  • tags: A boolean allowing all tags to be built when set to true

The following example will allow the branches develop and master to be built, as well as any branch or tag matching the regular expression v\d+\.\d+\.\d+$, which looks for a version number in the form v1.0.0.

  registry: dockerhub

      - master
      - develop
      - ^v\d+\.\d+\.\d+$

The following example will allow the master branch, plus all tags to be built:

  registry: dockerhub

      - master
    tags: true

Note that filtering only applies to webhook builds, and only when the matching options are configured. Builds scheduled using the web UI or the api/build endpoint are not affected by these filters.

Server configuration

Roger will read a /config.yml file that you need to mount in the container:

app: # generic settings
  url: '' # optional, just used for logging
  auth: ~ # authentication turned off by default, see next paragraph
  defaultRegistry: # the default registry to use, ie.
  concurrent: 5 # max number of builds to run in parallel, use ~ to disable
  retry-after: 30 # interval, in seconds, for Roger to check whether it can start queued builds
auth: # authentication on various providers
  dockerhub: # these credentials are only useful if you need to push to the dockerhub
    username: odino # your username on the dockerhub
    email: # your...well, you get it
  github: YOUR_SECRET_TOKEN # General token to be used to authenticate to clone any project (
notifications: # configs to notify of build failures / successes
  github: # this will create a github status
    token: '{{ auth.github }}'  # config values can reference other values
  emailSes: # sends an email through amazon SES
    accessKey: 1234
    secret: 5678
    region: eu-west-1
      - # a list of people who will be notified
      - committer # this is a special value that references the email of the commit author
    from: # sender email (needs to be verified on SES:
  client: # here you can specify any option accepted by dockerode (
    # by default, we will try to connect to this socket, that is why we launch roger with -v /var/run/docker.sock:/tmp/docker.sock
    socketPath: '/tmp/docker.sock'
    # you can specify host, port, protocol...
    host: __gateway__ # this is a special value that will resolve to the gateway through netroute (
    port: 2375
    protocol: http

Configuring auth

Roger comes with no authentication: all its routes are public and everyone with access to roger can trigger builds and see everything.

Since everyone has different needs, we want to let you specify the auth mechanism of your choice, based on passport.

Just define an auth provider in roger's config:

    provider: '/auth/myProvider.js'

At this point, mount your provider when launching the container with -v mycode/auth:/auth: Roger will dynamically load your own module and import it in the app.

The myProvider.js module needs to expose a function that accepts an app and register its own auth mechanism: it sounds more complicated than it is, so I'll just forward you to the example provider.

Use different images for building and running your app

Ever felt like your images are too chubby?

Deploying the same image you use for development and building often carries expendable stuff with it.

An example might be compass: css-ninjias love their scss files but we end up with an images full of ruby we might not really need.

You can easilly instruct Roger to use a specific building image, extract the result and package it up in a slimmer one!

Simply add the build section to the fatty project in your build.yml

      extract: /src

Roger will than use as dockerfile for the building image, extract the content of /src and repack it in a slimmer image as defined by the usuale Dockerfile (you need to provide you own build and slim Dockerfile ;)).

For example this could be your regular Dockerfile:

FROM alpine:edge


RUN apk add --update nodejs='=4.1.1-r0' && rm -rf /var/cache/apk/*

COPY . /src


CMD ["node", "src/app.js"]

while the could look like this:

FROM node:latest


RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y ruby-full build-essential
RUN gem install sass compass --no-ri --no-rdoc

RUN npm install -g gulp nodemon
RUN npm install -g gulp bower
RUN npm install -g gulp mocha

COPY . /src

RUN npm install && \
    bower install --allow-root && \
    gulp sass

So that the build.yml would look like this:

    extract: /src

Build hooks

Roger exposes a simple HTTP interface and provides integration with some SCM provider, ie. GitHub.


Simply add a new webhook to your repo at and configure it as follows:

github webhook

Roger will build everytime you push to github, a new tag is created or you comment on a PR with the text build please!.


Once your build finishes, you can notify someone about its result (ie. success / failure).

Github Statuses

This notification creates a github status based on the commit hash.

Using github statuses requires that the github user has write permission to the repository.

github status

    - github

Email (through Amazon SES)

If you want to receive notifications via email, you can simply configure the emailSes handler that will send emails through Amazon SES.

ses notifications

  branch:       master
    - emailSes

and then in roger's config.yml:

    accessKey: 1a2b3c4d5e6f
    secret: 1a2b3c4d5e6f
    region: eu-west-1
      - committer

Note that:

  • the from address needs to be verified on SES
  • committer is a special value that represents the committer's email

Notification on Slack

Once the build is complete, it pushes a notification to a slack channel mentioned in the config slack channel notification

To enable slack notification for individual projects the build.yml file can be updated with the slack parameter in the notification block:

  branch:       master
    - slack

for enabling slack notification for all the projects, the base.yml can be updated as:

    global: 'true'
    channel: '#channel-name'
    icon_emoji: ':slack-emoji:'
    username: 'Roger'

Publishing artifacts

Roger provides some ways to upload your build to some supported providers.


You can upload stuff from your container to an S3 bucket by simply specifying the following in your project configuration:

      to: s3
      copy: /src/build/public/ # this is the path inside the container
      bucket: my-bucket # name of the s3 bucket
      bucketPath: initial-path # the initial path, ie. s3://my-bucket/initial-path
      command: gulp build # optional: a command to run right before publishing (you might wanna build stuff here)

Then just store the s3 credentials in roger's config.yml:

    key: 1a2b3c4d5e6f
    secret: 1a2b3c4d5e6f

What happens is that we're gonna run a container with the image we just built, then copy a directory outside of the container (yes, to the host machine) and then upload that to S3.


Roger has the concept of hooks, which are commands that you can run at certain steps of the build.


After an image is built, you can run as many hooks as you want in a container running that specific image; this means that if you want to run the tests of your applications you will most likely configure the project as follows:

    - npm test

That is it! Now, after an image is built, before tagging it and sending it to the registry, roger will run npm test in your container and, if the tests fail, will stop the build.

Neat, ah?


Listing all projects

/api/projects will return you the latest 10 projects that were updated (added on roger, a build was triggered, etc).

You can customize the number of projects you will get back by adding a limit parameter to the query string.

    "projects": [
            "name": "",
            "alias": "redis-server (company/redis)",
            "latest_build": {
                "branch": "patch-1",
                "project": "",
                "status": "passed",
                "id": "0715a3b5-43fe-4d07-9705-82641db07c25-redis-server",
                "tag": "",
                "created_at": "2015-07-02T08:44:28+00:00",
                "updated_at": "2015-07-02T08:45:09+00:00"

Listing all builds

/api/builds will return you the latest 10 builds roger ran. You can customize the number of builds you will get back by adding a limit parameter to the query string.

Getting a build

/api/builds/BUILD_ID will return you the details of a build:

    "build": {
        "branch": "patch-1",
        "project": "",
        "status": "passed",
        "id": "0715a3b5-43fe-4d07-9705-82641db07c25-redis",
        "tag": "",
        "created_at": "2015-07-02T08:44:28+00:00",
        "updated_at": "2015-07-02T08:45:09+00:00"

If you add /log at the end of the URL (ie. /api/builds/1234/log) you will be streamed the log output of that build:

2015-01-27T19:18:34.810Z - info: [] Scheduled a build of cb5ea16d-5266-4018-b571-954e75b825e0
2015-01-27T19:18:34.810Z - info: Cloning in /tmp/roger-builds/sources/cb5ea16d-5266-4018-b571-954e75b825e0
2015-01-27T19:18:34.816Z - info: git clone Cloning into '/tmp/roger-builds/sources/cb5ea16d-5266-4018-b571-954e75b825e0'...

2015-01-27T19:18:37.274Z - info: [] Created tarball for cb5ea16d-5266-4018-b571-954e75b825e0
2015-01-27T19:18:37.365Z - info: Build of is in progress...
2015-01-27T19:18:37.365Z - info: [] Step 0 : FROM dockerfile/redis

2015-01-27T19:18:37.365Z - info: []  ---> c08280595650

Triggering builds

You can simply issue a GET request to the endpoint /api/v2/build?repo=REPO_URL&branch=BRANCH.

For example, both of these URLs are valid endpoints:

  • /api/build?repo=
  • /api/build?repo=

If you don't specify a branch, master will be used.

The same endpoint supports POST requests as well, GET should only really be used for debugging or so (here's why).

You can also specify docker options in your request, ie. if you want the build to run with the --no-cache flag just call /api/build?repo=[nocache]=true.

In production

Every container (even Roger itself) at Namshi gets built through Roger: we have been running it, behind our own firewall, for the past 6 months or so and had no issues with it; whenever our engineers push to github Roger builds the project and pushes it to our private registry, often in a matter of seconds.

Why did you build this?

Good question, especially since we hate to re-invent the wheel!

Roger was built since, at the very beginning of our experience with Docker, there were no decent SaaS that could run Docker builds in a matter of seconds: we first tried the DockerHub and it could even take up to 15 minutes to get a build done, which was frustrating. We wanted new images to be available in seconds. At the same time, neither Travis-CI, CodeShip nor seemed to have a tight and nice integration with Docker (though some of them have made giant steps over the past few months so...who knows what we're gonna be using in a year!).

Thus, one day, we decided to try dockerode out and see if we could hack a Docker builder in a couple evenings. The idea of running Roger in its own container, sharing the docker socket, comes from the nginx proxy container.

At the beginning, Roger only ran via its APIs: once we started flirting with the idea of making it public, we decided to take some time off and build a small frontend with ReactJS, as an experiment -- part of the perks of working at Namshi ;-)

Roger has been running without problems for a few months, and we're pretty happy with it.


You can easily hack on roger by simply cloning this repository and then running:

docker-compose build
docker-compose run server npm install
docker-compose run server bash -c "cd src/client && npm install && npm run build"
docker-compose up

and you will have the roger server and a simple docker registry running on your localhost.

When you trigger a build, you should see something like:

~  ᐅ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                 COMMAND                CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                              NAMES
12e1d7e6d260        roger_server:latest   "nodemon /src/src/in   4 minutes ago       Up 4 minutes        3000/tcp,>5000/tcp   roger_server_1
e3bf2bfa935e        registry:latest       "docker-registry"      4 minutes ago       Up 4 minutes>5000/tcp             roger_registry_1
~  ᐅ docker logs -f --tail=0 12e1d7e6d260
2015-01-23T14:53:29.610Z - info: Scheduled a build of
2015-01-23T14:53:29.610Z - info: Cloning in /tmp/roger-builds/sources/redis/1422024809
2015-01-23T14:53:32.807Z - info: Finished cloning
2015-01-23T14:53:32.820Z - info: created tarball for
2015-01-23T14:53:32.897Z - info: Build of is in progress...
2015-01-23T14:53:32.897Z - info: [] Step 0 : FROM dockerfile/ubuntu

2015-01-23T14:53:32.897Z - info: []  ---> 57d0bc345ba9

2015-01-23T14:53:32.897Z - info: [] Step 1 : RUN cd /tmp &&   wget &&   tar xvzf redis-stable.tar.gz &&   cd redis-stable &&   make &&   make install &&   cp -f src/redis-sentinel /usr/local/bin &&   mkdir -p /etc/redis &&   cp -f *.conf /etc/redis &&   rm -rf /tmp/redis-stable* &&   sed -i 's/^\(bind .*\)$/# \1/' /etc/redis/redis.conf &&   sed -i 's/^\(daemonize .*\)$/# \1/' /etc/redis/redis.conf &&   sed -i 's/^\(dir .*\)$/# \1\ndir \/data/' /etc/redis/redis.conf &&   sed -i 's/^\(logfile .*\)$/# \1/' /etc/redis/redis.conf

2015-01-23T14:53:33.285Z - info: []  ---> Using cache

2015-01-23T14:53:33.286Z - info: []  ---> 26bc665c9295

2015-01-23T14:53:33.286Z - info: [] Step 2 : VOLUME /data

2015-01-23T14:53:33.645Z - info: []  ---> Using cache

2015-01-23T14:53:33.645Z - info: []  ---> 6e4b36e3b7b6

2015-01-23T14:53:33.645Z - info: [] Step 3 : WORKDIR /data

2015-01-23T14:53:34.007Z - info: []  ---> Using cache

2015-01-23T14:53:34.008Z - info: []  ---> 9baac5d2adc3

2015-01-23T14:53:34.008Z - info: [] Step 4 : CMD redis-server /etc/redis/redis.conf

2015-01-23T14:53:34.341Z - info: []  ---> Using cache

2015-01-23T14:53:34.341Z - info: []  ---> 3910333848f1

2015-01-23T14:53:34.341Z - info: [] Step 5 : EXPOSE 6379

2015-01-23T14:53:34.690Z - info: []  ---> Using cache

2015-01-23T14:53:34.691Z - info: []  ---> 36c9365e8364

2015-01-23T14:53:34.692Z - info: [] Successfully built 36c9365e8364

2015-01-23T14:53:34.693Z - info: Image built succesfully
2015-01-23T14:53:34.714Z - info: Docker confirmed the build of, author , created on 2015-01-23T01:29:49.039114234Z on docker 1.4.1
2015-01-23T14:53:34.714Z - info: Tagging
2015-01-23T14:53:34.723Z - info: Pushing to
2015-01-23T14:53:36.852Z - info: [] The push refers to a repository [] (len: 1)
2015-01-23T14:53:36.897Z - info: [] Sending image list
2015-01-23T14:53:37.037Z - info: [] Pushing repository (1 tags)
2015-01-23T14:53:37.067Z - info: [] Image 511136ea3c5a already pushed, skipping
2015-01-23T14:53:37.070Z - info: [] Image 53f858aaaf03 already pushed, skipping
2015-01-23T14:53:37.073Z - info: [] Image 837339b91538 already pushed, skipping
2015-01-23T14:53:37.078Z - info: [] Image 615c102e2290 already pushed, skipping
2015-01-23T14:53:37.080Z - info: [] Image b39b81afc8ca already pushed, skipping
2015-01-23T14:53:37.084Z - info: [] Image 5aa9da73df5b already pushed, skipping
2015-01-23T14:53:37.086Z - info: [] Image ec4206da3b16 already pushed, skipping
2015-01-23T14:53:37.089Z - info: [] Image e00f3af60b33 already pushed, skipping
2015-01-23T14:53:37.095Z - info: [] Image e0a769f35586 already pushed, skipping
2015-01-23T14:53:37.099Z - info: [] Image f6060d642297 already pushed, skipping
2015-01-23T14:53:37.104Z - info: [] Image 17eef17d52cf already pushed, skipping
2015-01-23T14:53:37.112Z - info: [] Image 57d0bc345ba9 already pushed, skipping
2015-01-23T14:53:37.118Z - info: [] Image 26bc665c9295 already pushed, skipping
2015-01-23T14:53:37.124Z - info: [] Image 6e4b36e3b7b6 already pushed, skipping
2015-01-23T14:53:37.131Z - info: [] Image 9baac5d2adc3 already pushed, skipping
2015-01-23T14:53:37.138Z - info: [] Image 3910333848f1 already pushed, skipping
2015-01-23T14:53:37.146Z - info: [] Image 36c9365e8364 already pushed, skipping
2015-01-23T14:53:37.146Z - info: [] Pushing tag for rev [36c9365e8364] on {}
2015-01-23T14:53:37.202Z - info: Pushed image to the registry at
2015-01-23T14:53:37.203Z - info: Finished build of in a few seconds #SWAG

Problems? Open an issue! Suggestions? Feel free to send a PR!


There are currently no automated tests and it's a shame :)

As of now we didn't find a good way / method to run the whole server and check how it behaves in different scenarios in an automated way, as all tests are manually ran at the moment. Unit-testing the various scripts under src would be simple enough but the problem is that you should ensure that the whole server runs fine, doesn't crash, etc etc.

If you have a suggestion or would like to create a spike feel uberfree to do so, as we believe that, to go further, automated tests are always a must.


  • client
    • wall (use query parameters to include / exclude projects)
  • build tracking
    • persist to SQLite
    • mount sqlite