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KVS Test Dataset

This directory contains test datasets that can be supported in KVS. These data can be easily visualize by using kvsview command.

Data 1
Filename TF_rainbow.kvsml
Format KVSML
Type Transfer function
Size 256 resolution
Description Rainbow colormap
Courtesy Original
Example kvsview -TransferFunction TF_rainbow.kvsml
Data 2
Filename TF_red-white-blue.kvsml
Format KVSML
Type Transfer function
Size 256 resolution
Description Red-white-blue colormap
Courtesy Original
Example kvsview -TransferFunction TF_red-white-blue.kvsml
Data 3
Filename blunt.inp
Format AVS UCD
Type Unstructured volume object
Size 222,414 tetrahedral cells
Description Airflow over a flat plate with a blunt fin rising from the plate
Example kvsview -ExternalFaces blunt.inp
Data 4
Filename bunny.ply
Format PLY file format
Type Polygon object
Size 69,451 faces
Description Stanford Bunny
Example kvsview -PolygonRenderer bunny.ply
Data 5
Filename engine.fld
Format AVS Field
Type Structured volume object
Size 256 x 256 x 128, 8 bits
Description Engine block
Courtesy ---
Example kvsview -RayCastingRenderer engine.fld
Data 6
Filename line.kvsml
Format KVSML
Type Line object
Size 6 lines
Description Simple line object data
Courtesy Original
Example kvsview -LineRenderer line.kvsml
Data 7
Filename lobster.kvsml
Format AVS Field
Type Structured volume object
Size 120 x 120 x 34, 8 bits
Description AVS lobster
Courtesy AVS
Example kvsview -RayCastingRenderer lobster.kvsml
Data 8
Filename point.kvsml
Format KVSML
Type Point object
Size 4 points
Description Simple point object data
Courtesy Original
Example kvsview -PointRenderer point.kvsml
Data 9
Filename polygon.kvsml
Format KVSML
Type Polygon object
Size 4 faces
Description Simple polygon object data
Courtesy Original
Example kvsview -PolygonRenderer polygon.kvsml
Data 10
Filename spx.inp
Format AVS UCD
Type Unstructured volume object
Size 12,936 tetrahedral cells
Description Coolant flow simulation in the Super PhoeniX reactor
Courtesy ---
Example kvsview -ExternalFaces spx.inp


KVS Test Dataset






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