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Working with multi-clusters deployments

We will need two kinds of clusters for this part of the tutorial. Connectivity from k3s will not be able to reach the target cluster when in a local host without modifications. It is recommended to use two different terminal windows (Terminal 1 and Terminal 2) having the proper kubeconfig configured for each of them. Be aware that after creating a kind cluster, the default kubeconfig context is automatically modified, which may alter the target cluster unless a manual KUBECONFIG environment variable is set.

  1. Create another cluster named kubevela-managed, complementing the previous one, kubevela. This new cluster will then be linked to the previous one so applications can target it. Before performing this operation, open a new terminal window (Terminal 2) for the managed cluster and execute.

On Terminal 2

kind create cluster --config=installation/managed_cluster/kind_managed_cluster_config.yaml --name=kubevela-managed
kubectl --context kind-kubevela-managed wait --for=condition=Ready nodes --all --timeout=600s
helm install --create-namespace -n vela-system kubevela kubevela/vela-core --wait
  1. Export the kubeconfig

On Terminal 2

 kind get kubeconfig --name=kubevela-managed > /tmp/kind-kubevela-managed-kubeconfig
  1. Get the IP address of the managed cluster
$ docker inspect kubevela-managed-control-plane | grep IPAddress
            "SecondaryIPAddresses": null,
            "IPAddress": "",
                    "IPAddress": "",

Edit the kubeconfig file (/tmp/kind-kubevela-managed-kubeconfig), point the server to your IP address, and make sure to change the port number to 6443 as we are accessing the API directly.

  1. Join the cluster

Make sure you are using the first cluster, in that terminal

On Terminal 1

kind get kubeconfig --name=kubevela > /tmp/kind-kubevela-kubeconfig
export KUBECONFIG=/tmp/kind-kubevela-kubeconfig

On Terminal 1

vela cluster join /tmp/kind-kubevela-managed-kubeconfig --name managed
I0411 11:52:50.957629   26227 virtual_cluster.go:337] joining cluster managed with version: v1.21.1
Successfully add cluster managed, endpoint:

On Terminal 1

$ vela cluster list
local  	     	Internal       	-                      	true
managed	     	X509Certificate	true
  1. Deploy an app

On Terminal 1

vela up -f scenarios/multicluster_app/nginx.multicluster.yaml

On Terminal 1

$ vela status remote-deployment -n kubecon

  Name:      	remote-deployment
  Namespace: 	kubecon
  Created at:	2023-04-11 12:05:19 +0200 CEST
  Status:    	running


  mode: DAG-DAG
  finished: true
  Suspend: false
  Terminated: false
  - id: csd8735yvd
    name: deploy-topology-clusters
    type: deploy
    phase: succeeded


  - Name: nginx-basic
    Cluster: managed  Namespace: kubecon
    Type: webservice
    Healthy Ready:1/1
      ✅ expose: ClusterIP:

If you check the contents of the remote cluster, you will find the pods, while the local cluster has the app.

On Terminal 1

kubectl -n kubecon get app
NAME                COMPONENT     TYPE         PHASE     HEALTHY   STATUS      AGE
remote-deployment   nginx-basic   webservice   running   true      Ready:1/1   3m41s

kubectl -n kubecon get pods
No resources found in kubecon namespace.

On Terminal 2

kubectl -n kubecon get app
No resources found in kubecon namespace.

kubectl -n kubecon get pods
NAME                           READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
nginx-basic-6689558469-jk6pk   1/1     Running   0          5m9s
