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Steps for geoparsing a Index

Chris Mattmann edited this page Apr 26, 2020 · 9 revisions

Steps required to GeoParse a Solr Index

1. Click on Configure Index Tab

Click on configure index tab

2. Fill the Domain Name

Domain name represents the domain of the data contained in index. Multiple indexes can have the same domain name.
Fill domain name

3. Fill Solr Index

This is the base http url of your Solr index. GeoParser will make http calls to this Solr URL and fetch data from it.
Fill index info

4. Add username or password if required

If accessing Solr index requires authentication, specify it here.
Fill authentication details

5. Click on add index

Click add index to store the index of the domain in the database. Click on add index

6. Click on Database Icon Tab

Click on database icon

7. Click Geoparse

This might take a while depending on size of index. Select the domain and its index from the drop down menu Click GeoParse
DO NOT GEOPARSE SAME INDEX TWICE AT SAME TIME This can happen if you refresh the app and click 'GeoParse' with same details when a background process is already running.

8. Click on View

At anytime during processing, click 'View' to see the progress. Select domain and its corresponding index. Click View. You will need to refresh the page to reflect new index
View index