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Getting Started

Jason Watkins edited this page Jul 26, 2019 · 4 revisions

There are two parts to getting XPC up and running.

First, the XPC plugin needs to be installed in X-Plane. Once the plugin is installed and X-Plane is running, the plugin will continually listen for commands.

The second thing you need to do is write some code to interact with X-Plane. X-Plane Connect is a toolbox to help researchers use X-Plane. On their own, the XPC clients don't do much of anything.

Installing the plugin

Binaries for the XPC plugin on all platforms can be downloaded from the releases page. Installing the plugin is simply a matter of copying a few files. Copy the entire contents of the file from the latest release to the [X-Plane Path]\Resources\plugins folder.

The plugin should now be installed. To verify, run X-Plane, and open the Plugins->Plugin Admin->Enable/Disable menu. You should see an entry named "XPlaneConnect [Version 1.X.X]".

Using the Client

XPC includes several clients written in various languages. Currently, the official repository includes C and MATLAB clients, with Java and Python clients under active development. Clients are located in folders named for their respective languages. For example, The C client can be found in the [XPlaneConnect Repository]\C folder. Under each client folder, you will find both the client code and an example folder with a short program demonstrating the correct use of each language's client.