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Jason Watkins edited this page Apr 23, 2015 · 3 revisions

Sends X-Plane data.


Language Signature
C int sendDATA(XPCSocket sock, float data[][9], int rows)
MATLAB sendDATA(data, socket)
Java void sendDATA(float[][] data)
Python readDATA()

sock (C): The socket used to send the command.

data: An array of values representing data rows to be set. Each array in data should have 9 elements, the first of which is a row number in the range (0-134), and the rest of which are the values to set for that data row.

rows (C): The number of rows in readDATA.

socket (MATLAB): An optional reference to a socket opened with openUDP that should be used to send the command.

Return value

C: A negative value if an error occurs, otherwise 0.


This command is compatible with the built in X-Plane data format.


C Error Code Java Exception Python Error Description
-1 IllegalArgumentException The number of rows is not in the range (1-134)
-- IllegalArgumentException The size of a row in data is not 9
-2 IOException The client is unable to send the command


#include "xplaneConnect.h"

XPCSocket sock = aopenUDP("", 49007);

// Set gear
const int rows = 1;
float data[rows][9] = { 0 };
data[0][0] = 14; // Row # for landing gear
data[0][1] = 1; // Set gear down.

sendDATA(sock, data, rows);



import XPlaneConnect.*

% Set gear
data = [[14, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]];

import gov.nasa.xpc.XPlaneConnect;

try(XPlaneConnect xpc = new XPlaneConnect())
    // Set gear
    float[][] data = new float[1][9];
    data[0][0] = 14; // Row # for landing gear
    data[0][1] = 1; // Set gear down.
